Chapter 39

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It was the hardest day of work Clara had ever gone through. Not because anything she was physically doing was any different, but between the emotional rollercoaster of the past day and getting no sleep the night before, all Clara wanted to do was curl up on the floor and go to sleep.

But Araminta had other plans. Maybe Clara's mistress was annoyed at Clara for keeping her out of the loop with what was going on with Harrison. Maybe she just had a lot of things on her mind that she wanted Clara to get done. But either way, the work was nonstop.

Reprieve came after several hours of ironing all of Araminta's bed sheets. A messenger mouse came to tell her that Araminta wanted her back up in her chambers. While Clara didn't look forward to hearing what else Araminta wanted her to do, at least this would get her out the heat of the workroom.

But as Clara entered Araminta's chambers, more work wasn't in store for her. Instead, Harrison turned around to face her as Clara pushed open the doors.

Araminta passed Clara at the door. "Try to make it quick," she said quietly.

When the door closed, Clara hurried over to Harrison, eager to hear what he had to say. But instead of matching her enthusiasm, Harrison took a few steps back, distancing himself.

"Did you talk to your father?" Clara asked breathlessly, not taking the time to worry about his behavior. "What did he say?"

"Yes, I spoke to him." Much like his body, Harrison's words were stiff. He didn't quite look Clara in the eye.

"And...?" Clara prompted when Harrison failed to continue.

Still not looking at her, Harrison paced the room. "What we did last night," he said, "we shouldn't have."

Clara stared at him. He knew how desperate she was for information on how they could fix what was going on, and yet here he was, purposely avoiding the subject. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that we had no right meddling in the business of Tower and Bridge," Harrison said. "They know what they're doing, and they're doing what's best."

His words left Clara speechless. "What's best?" she finally repeated. "What's best? Are you telling me that it's best for Ezra to work 20 hours a day in a sweltering hot forge?"

"Sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

"Sacrifices? The greater good?" Clara felt sick to her stomach. "It's funny how the sacrifices always come from people like me for the greater good of people like you. I don't see you volunteering to go work in those conditions."

"Clara, I know this isn't what you want to hear—"

"What I want to hear is the truth." Clara wished Harrison would just look at her, but he was determined in avoiding her. "This is the Harrison I spoke to earlier this morning? What did your father say to you?"

"The Harrison you spoke to this morning was woefully ignorant on several issues," Harrison replied coldly. "My father, while disappointed that I went behind his back to spy on his business, gave me some of the context that you're missing."

"And what context is that? What context could possibly make this acceptable?"

"Nothing I can tell someone of your status."

Clara took a step back. It was as if he slapped her across the face. "My status?" she repeated. She scoffed. "Wow. Just, wow."

"Clara." Harrison took a step toward her, but she held up her hands, backing up almost to the door.

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