Chapter 32

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All Clara wanted as she headed back to work was a nice, normal day. Washing Araminta's clothes, cleaning her room, prepping her for meals, and whatever else she needed done. But even as she took the transport up to the airship, Clara knew the likelihood of that desire being fulfilled was slim.

Araminta was up, but still in her nightclothes, when Clara entered her chambers. After the last discussion they had, Clara suddenly felt very awkward standing in front of her.

"Would you like me to help you dress, my lady?" Clara finally asked.

Araminta studied her, and didn't reply. "How is your sister?" she asked instead.

"Better," Clara said quietly. She twisted her hands together. "Thank you." There was a lot of weight to those two words, but Clara didn't know how to better express her sentiment.

Araminta gave a curt nod. "Good."

Clara didn't know what else to do, so she went over to Araminta's wardrobe to pick something out for the day.

"Harrison told me about your conversation on the balcony during the ball."

Clara froze, and then slowly turned around. Araminta stared at her, not with anger, but with something that almost looked like sympathy.

"What did he say?" Clara asked. She almost didn't want to know.

"He wanted to know how much I played a part in everything," Araminta replied. "But more than anything, I think he wants to know how you feel about everything."

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him my part," Araminta said delicately. "That yes, once I found out about the connection between you two, I used it to my own advantage."

"You told him about Lucretia?"

"Not by name," Araminta said. She looked down. "But he is aware that there is someone else."

"How did he react to that?"

Araminta gave a sly smile. "He really didn't seem to care at all. I wonder why that is?" She gave Clara an amused look.

But Clara didn't find anything funny. "I don't know what you expect to come out of this, Araminta," she said. "You're still engaged to him. Officially, now."

"Honestly, I don't know either," Araminta admitted. "At least not in concerning the future. But when concerning today's events, you're going to talk to him."

Clara looked at her in alarm. "What? Today?"

"He'll be here, soon. And I can't make you tell him everything, but that's what he wants to know. And I don't have any problem with it."

"Don't have any problem with it?" Clara exclaimed. "Araminta, how can you not have any problem with it? You're engaged to him! And you're alright with me talking to him about whatever feelings I have? Feelings that I haven't even figured out yet?"

"I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out," Araminta urged. "You know I don't want to marry him. He doesn't want to marry me. I have someone who I love. And maybe if he has someone who he loves..."

"What, you'll be able to get out of this entire arrangement?" Clara scoffed. "So, you're using me, is what you're saying."

"I'm not using you," Araminta said sharply. Then she deflated slightly. "Alright, maybe I am. But is it really the worst thing in the world if it worked out?"

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