Chapter 37

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Clara and Harrison stood in the shadows across from the entrance to the Tower and Bridge factory. Two guards stood outside the entrance, armed and unmoving.

"You really think you can get us in?" Clara whispered.

"You have the authority on earth knowledge," Harrison said. "But I know how these types of visits go." He paused. "Just promise me you won't judge me on how I act in there." His words were bitter.

"Who will you say I am?" Clara didn't really care how Harrison acted in the factory; and besides, she was still judging him for the comments he made in the greenhouse. This was his redemption from those.

"My assistant," came the prompt answer. "Just try not to say much."

Clara nodded. "Anything else you need to tell me?"

"Just follow my lead."

Harrison straightened up and stepped out into the dim streetlight. Clara followed, and as they approached the entrance, she could see the guards tensing up, clenching their weapons.

"What business do you have here?" one guard asked.

"My name is Harrison Norrington."

Clara was glad no one could see her face. It was all she could do to contain a small gasp as Harrison spoke, sounding exactly like his father.

"I'm here on behalf of my father and his business to inspect this factory and its operations." Harrison spoke with authority, but it was more than that. He spoke down to the guard, making his perceived superiority known to everyone standing there.

The two guards glanced at each other. "We don't have any records of any visitation, now," the guard said.

"Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection?" Harrison demanded. "My father wants to know that this factory is operating to the best of its ability."

"Then why isn't he here?"

Harrison took a step forward. "He has more important things to do," he said coldly. "And if I return and tell him that two guards kept me from getting the information he wants, he won't be happy. And that doesn't mean anything good for you."

The guards glanced at each other again. "Do you have any identification, sir?" the guard finally asked.

Harrison handed over his card, and after a brief inspection, the guard handed it back and opened the door. "Right this way," he said.

The guard led the pair through the door and down a hallway. "Wait here." They arrived in a front room, air filters whining in vents above them. "You can leave your protective gear, here." The guard nodded toward a row of cabinets. "I will alert the foreman; he'll be with you shortly."

Harrison gave a curt nod before the guard disappeared down another hallway. Clara stared at him as he took off his head coverings and pulled off his oxygen filter and goggles. He gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Well, that was the hard part."

Clara slowly pulled the scarf off of her head. She knew that Harrison's behavior had only been for the purpose of getting them through the front door, but it was still unnerving. "Are you alright?" she asked softly.

He nodded. "Best not to say much here," he uttered.

Clara put the rest of her protective gear away and just gave him a nod.

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