Chapter 18

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Harrison didn't pay the Llewelyn manor another visit for a while after the impromptu dinner, so Clara's job continued as normal. Araminta didn't even acknowledge the conversation she and Clara had about Harrison.

All of this just gave Clara plenty of time to worry about her own home life.

On her next day off, the day the demolition was planned, Clara wrapped Emme up in layers of scarves and jackets, making sure no skin was opposed, and carefully fit the oxygen filter to her face.

"I don't like wearing this," Emme said with a muffled voice.

"It keeps you safe," Clara told her. "So you have to."

"I know. I just don't like it."

Clara gave her a smile and then put on her own gear. She handed Emme a pair of goggles and then ushered the young girl out of the room.

Despite the uncomfortable oxygen filter and dirty air, Emme seemed to gain five times more energy as soon as they got above ground. The streets were empty as most people were at work, so she ran up and the down the sidewalk, not daring to get too far away from Clara but also wanting to move faster than Clara had the energy for.

"Emme," Clara called out, "let's go down to the river." The river was in the opposite direction as the demolition, and while Clara was desperately curious to find out more of what was going on there, she wouldn't dare take Emme. It would only scare her, and the air quality at demolition sites was worse than everywhere else.

The river itself was filthy. Clara doubted anything lived in at all. The water had to go through several purifiers before it was clean enough to be bottled and to drink. But something about being close to running water always made Clara feel better, even if the water itself was dirty. The air was a little better, too. The wind always seemed to blow toxins from the factories away from them.

The pair walked along the riverbank, careful not to touch the water and staring across to the other side. Clara and Emme lived on the eastern side, and while those on the western side also had to live underground, it was the richer area. The owners and managers of the factories and production sites that people like Ezra, Amyeliana, and Archibald worked in lived on the western side.

The buildings were in better condition, and Clara had heard rumors that living spaces were much larger, food better, and they had access to more luxury items, although nowhere near as extensive as those living in airships.

Clara thought back to her conversation with Ezra when he first told her about the demolitions. About wanting something better. As she stared across the river, living on the western bank was probably the only thing they could hope for, the only thing possible in reach. But would it really be better? Most owners and managers were horrible, stepping on others just to get the tiniest bit more in life. Clara couldn't picture anyone she lived with putting down others just to get ahead.

"What are you thinking about?" Emme's voice shook Clara out of her thoughts.

"Oh, just thinking about how this river might have looked before there was so much pollution in it." Clara poked Emme in the stomach. "I bet it used to have mermaids in it."

"And whales!"

"And whales, too. And dolphins."

"And turtles!"

Clara chuckled at Emme's enthusiasm. Even though she had never seen even a picture of a sea creature, Emme had attached on to them ever since Clara described many of them to her one night. Back when Clara was young, her mother had once brought home an encyclopedia of sea animals, complete with descriptions and colorful illustrations. Even without the book, Clara had pulled everything she still had in her memory to tell Emme.

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