Chapter 19

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Clara's freedom from dealing with the drama between Araminta and Harrison finally came to an end. Araminta had informed her as soon as she arrived at the airship that morning that Harrison would be coming for a meeting between the two of them. Araminta would make an appearance, but only half an hour before Harrison had to leave. That left Clara with an hour and a half to entertain him. Except she couldn't exactly plan anything. If her performance seemed to rehearsed, that would only arouse suspicion.

So now Clara found herself waiting for Harrison's transport. Andani didn't look at all surprised that she was there, and Clara wondered how many of the other staff were noticing how Clara spent more time with Harrison than Araminta did. Clara hated being the subject of gossip, but this was sure to stir some up.

Harrison didn't seem surprised either when the transport doors opened and he stepped out. "Clara," he greeted her.

"Welcome back, sir." She led him into the manor.

"Did Lady Araminta tell you of my request?" he asked.

"She did, Harrison," Clara said pointedly. "She also made it very clear that I was to only honor when with you or her. With anyone else, formalities must be observed."

"Ah, well," Harrison shrugged, but he looked annoyingly satisfied. "Baby steps, I suppose. And your mistress?"

"Ah, she may be a bit late, today," Clara said, watching him carefully for a reaction.

Harrison kept his face carefully neutral. "Not a problem," he said graciously. "You don't have any more secret rooms to show me while I wait, do you?"

"What, one wasn't enough? No, I'm afraid not," Clara said as Harrison chuckled. "However, you're welcome to go anywhere, er, not including the kitchens or staff sections, that is, if you would like."

"It's like you can read my mind. I still do want to see those kitchens."

"They're really not that fascinating, I assure you. As I said, you're welcome to go where you'd like. I'm sure you know your way around well enough to not need a guide." It wasn't that Clara didn't want to spend time with him. She felt now, more than ever, that she was actively deceiving him, and she really didn't think he deserved that.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" he asked.

"No, of course not, sir, uh, Harrison," Clara corrected herself. "I just figured you might not want to always have a servant around you."

"I spend a lot of time on my own," Harrison said. "But I don't particularly enjoy it."

Clara pressed her lips together. She wasn't sure what to make of that statement.

"Other than the room you showed me, what's your favorite place on the ship?" he asked.

Clara didn't have to think about it. "The library."

He looked surprised. "Really?"

"I like to read. Not that I spend my time here reading all day long," she said hurriedly. "But my mother taught me, and whenever I can I enjoy it."

"Then take me to the library," Harrison said. "I don't spend enough time in my own."

Thankful that she now had something to do with Harrison other than just making awkward conversation, Clara took the lead and headed up to the higher levels of the ship.

The Llewelyn library was a sizeable room, the walls filled with books from ceiling to floor. Clara entered the room and then stepped to the side to allow Harrison to take it all in.

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