Chapter 47

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Five days later, Clara was slowly going insane trapped inside Araminta's bedroom.

Clara and Harrison had given Araminta quite a shock when they turned up after the party. Harrison had snuck her through the house, but it was up to Clara to fill Araminta on all the details of what happened.

Unlike Harrison, who was in shock after Clara told him what his mother had done, Araminta skipped straight to anger. Clara almost had to physically restrain her from marching up to the Norringtons' chambers right then and there to demand answers.

After Clara explained her plan for the next two weeks, Araminta looked at her like she was crazy. Clara was beginning to wonder if she was. But Araminta agreed, and Clara had remained in her chambers over the past few days.

They created a small nook with blankets and pillows behind the changing screen in Araminta's room where Clara slept and spent most of her time. They agreed that it was unlikely that Mrs. Norrington or anyone else would come in to Araminta's room—she had expressly forbidden it—but they also knew that they couldn't afford any mistakes.

According to her own account, Araminta had played her part wonderfully in being borderline hysterical over Clara's 'disappearance.' Araminta had gone down the day after the party and demanded that the Norringtons search the entire ship. They, of course, had to oblige. Clara literally hid under Araminta's bed as they did, and they, of course, didn't find her. Now, according to Araminta, both of Harrison's parents were on edge, desperate to keep her happy.

In Clara's opinion, Araminta was having a little too much fun torturing the Norringtons. But it also meant that Araminta spent more time in her chambers as usual, and the likelihood of the Norringtons invading her space, either in person or via messenger mouse, was slim.

At this point, they could assume that their conversations inside Araminta's chambers were safe. So they spent their time together trying to put together a new plan.

But other than cornering Benjamin at the wedding, they didn't have much to go on. Araminta was desperate for Benjamin's help before the ceremony, and Clara couldn't blame her. If she and Harrison got married and then the scandal came out, she would still be trapped in the marriage. And now, it would be even worse. Life wouldn't even be comfortable for her, and her entire family would be shamed.

They didn't have any ideas until now. As Clara waited around for Araminta to return from her mid-day meal, she paced in the five-foot space that was now her bedroom. She was hungry. And irritated.

"Clara." Araminta hurried into the room, carrying a napkin filled with food and excitement in her eyes.

Clara took the parcel from her, Cadence would slip them to Araminta whenever she could, and sat down cross-legged on the floor. "What's going on?" she asked.

Araminta sat on the bed. "Well, it's a bad idea," she began.

"That's not a great opener, Araminta." Clara spoke through a mouth full of bread and butter.

"Let me finish," Araminta snapped. "So you know how Harrison has been trying to get his way back in with his father so he can learn more about the deals on earth?"

Clara nodded. Harrison's parents were very aware of his involvement with Clara's break in to Mr. Norrington's office, but he had been trying to convince them that he was back on their side. It wasn't going very well.

"Right, well, his father still isn't pleased with him," Araminta said. "Obviously. But they got into an argument at the end of the meal just now. Harrison saying how his father should trust him more and give him more responsibility, his father saying how Harrison needs to understand that there are consequences to his actions, blah, blah, blah."

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