Chapter 41

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Given no time to rest, Clara found herself the next day scrambling up and down the Llewelyn manor, packing up Araminta's entire life.

The agreement Araminta made with her parents stated that she would move into the Norrington manor once the engagement was official. Apparently, Lord Llewelyn didn't want anymore delays, so he sprung the news on everyone at the last moment. It wasn't a huge deal for Araminta; she was expecting it, but for Clara, it meant a lot of extra work.

It also meant she was making her official employment change from the Llewelyns to the Norringtons. Clara didn't mind, really, but she was sad to leave Amyeliana, Beatrice, and Lucretia behind.

Lucretia. As Clara gathered up anything and everything Araminta would want to take with her, she didn't see any sign of the other maid. While there would be plenty of back and forth between the two households, at least until the wedding, Clara guessed that both Araminta and Lucretia were in mourning. Seeing each other would become much harder now.

Clara went down to the transport dock probably a dozen times that day, loading up transports to take Araminta's belongings to the Norrington manor. At least she didn't have to deal with it on the other end; the other staff would take care of it.

Panting, Clara pushed open the door to Araminta's chambers. Her mistress stood in the middle of the barren room, looking around at the empty surroundings. Clara couldn't quite get a read on what she was thinking.

"Are you ready to go, my lady?"


Someone else came in behind Clara, and Clara didn't even need to turn around to know it was Lucretia. All she had to do was look at Araminta's face. "I'll wait for you at the transport dock, my lady," she said quietly. Clara gave Lucretia a small smile on her way out.

Since she had time, Clara headed down to the kitchens before the transport dock. "I hope you don't mind me dropping in," she said as she found Beatrice and Amyeliana working together.

Amyeliana looked up and grinned, and Beatrice just shook her head. "Of course not," Beatrice said. "Especially since you won't be around anymore."

"I'll see you soon, Beatrice," Clara said. "After all, we still have the engagement celebration. And the wedding. I'm sure Lord and Lady Llewelyn will want you there."

Clara turned to Amyeliana. "And you, behave yourself," she warned.

Amyeliana gave her a mischievous grin, but then hugged her. "I'll miss working with you," Amyeliana said.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy me not hanging around you all the time," Clara teased. She looked at Beatrice. "Just keep an eye on her for me, will you?"

"I always do." Beatrice gave Clara a hug as well, and then a small shove. "You should get going. You don't want to keep Araminta waiting."

Not that Araminta would mind delaying the leave. Clara hurried down to the transport dock, feeling oddly sentimental over leaving the airship. Despite everything, it had been one of her best jobs.

Araminta hadn't arrived when Clara entered the dock. Andani looked up as she came in and smiled at her. "I guess this is it, then, miss?"

"Andani, you know I'll be back here," Clara said warmly. "I follow Araminta everywhere, and she'll certainly be back to visit her parents."

"I'll miss seeing you every morning," Andani pressed. "It won't be the same."

Clara shook her head. "No," she said, "nothing will."

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