Chapter 14

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A week later, Clara woke for the first time to silence instead of Emme's coughs. She panicked for half a second, rolling over, and breathing a sigh of relief when she saw Emme's chest rising and falling in a steady pattern.

Emme had steadily recovered over the past few days, but the second bottle of medicine would prove to be a lifesaver. If they stopped the treatment now, Emme would only get worse, and they would have no way to help her.

The strange sense of relief stayed with her as Clara travelled up to the Llewelyn manor. Stepping into Araminta's chambers, however, silence struck her, and the room was empty.

And not only empty, but clean, too. It looked as though Araminta hadn't even slept here the night before.

Clara went back out into the hallway as she heard footsteps approaching. To her surprise, she saw Andani hurrying toward her, a not completely calm expression on his face.

"Andani," Clara said as he approached. "What is going on?"

Andani glanced toward Araminta's door. "Oh, she left last night," he told her. "Not long after Lord and Lady Llewelyn." Araminta's parents had left to visit some other nobles the day before. They would be gone for a few days. "I thought she told you."

"She did not," Clara said, pursing her lips. She had no idea where Araminta would have gone.

"Well, I hate to add to your plate," Andani said sympathetically, "but a transport is on its way here."

"A transport? From where?"

"The Norrington manor."

Clara stared at him. "The Norringtons? Who's on it?"

"I'm not sure," Andani admitted. "But there's only one passenger."

That told Clara all she needed to know. Mr. and Mrs. Norrington would be aware that Lord and Lady Llewelyn were gone for a few days. And neither of them would have any reason to visit Araminta on their own. So that only left one person who it could be.

"Right," Clara said, struggling to keep panic (and a small amount of excitement) off of her face. "I guess I'll go greet our guest."

Andani gave her a doubtful look, but just walked beside her in silence down to the transport dock. "Where's Lucretia?" Clara asked as they waited for Harrison to arrive.

"She went down to earth last night."

"Really? Why?"

Andani shrugged. "She didn't say. But doesn't she have the day off?"

Clara cursed to herself. Lucretia did have the day off, although she still couldn't guess what she was doing on earth.

What was going on? Araminta gone, Lucretia on the ground for some reason, and Harrison coming unexpectedly? It's like the universe wanted Clara to suffer.

The transport docked, the doors slid open, and Harrison Norrington strode out, looking as handsome as ever in casual clothing.

Clara bowed her head briefly in greeting. "Good morning, sir," she said. "Welcome back to the Llewelyn manor."

"Hello Clara, it's nice to see you again," Harrison said. He turned to Andani. "I must apologize. I know we've met a few times, but I've never caught your name."

"Andani, sir," the transport operator said.

Harrison held out his hand, which Andani hesitantly took to shake.

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