Chapter 25

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Everything ran smoothly for the next few weeks. Amyeliana settled into her new job, and Beatrice reported nothing but good news when it came to her work performance. Clara didn't see much of her sister while at work, but they travelled to and from the airship together every day, giving Clara time to pick Amyeliana's brain about everything that happened during her day.

Amyeliana seemed much happier, too.

Clara's relationship with Araminta remained strange, but not altogether bad. Fortunately, Harrison made no more surprise appearances, and they only saw him at a few dinners. Although Clara did at times have to stop herself from thinking about him as she went about her daily chores.

Everything ran smoothly, that is, until Lord and Lady Llewelyn called the main staff, Clara included, into the dining room for some type of special announcement.

Araminta was already present when Clara arrived. She stood next to her parents, but looked as confused as the rest of the staff. Clara went up to Beatrice, who stood with her arms crossed and lips pursed. "Any idea what's going on?" she asked.

Beatrice shook her head. "None. I'm not sure how I feel about all of this."

Clara had to agree. It felt more ominous than celebratory. She caught Lucretia's eye across the room and gave her a questioning look, but she just shrugged. No one knew.

"Thank you all for coming, I know you're very busy with your duties." The whispers that danced around the room died away as Lord Llewelyn began to speak. "My family and I all owe you a great deal. Your service to us has been phenomenal through these many years. And I know we haven't always made things easy, especially recently with the Norrington family's many visits."

Clara and Beatrice exchanged glances. Clara was beginning to wonder if they were all going to be fired, but given that all the top staff were in the room right now, that wouldn't exactly be in the Llewellyns' best interests.

"I hope that after this week, some of that craziness will die down," Lord Llewelyn continued.

Alright, so it sounds like they weren't about to be fired.

"I'm very pleased to announce that the Llewelyn and Norrington families are to be officially joined very soon," Lord Llewelyn said. "The engagement party will be held in two days at the Norrington manor, and in order to help with the festivities, we will need all of you assisting at their airship."

Murmurs went up amongst the staff, but Clara just looked at Araminta. Her face was white as a sheet, her lips slightly parted. She cast her gaze wildly between her father and Lucretia until she finally looked at Clara. Her eyes begged for help, but there was nothing to be done.

"Araminta never mentioned this to you?" Beatrice sounded peeved, even in a whisper. "This is quite a request on such short notice."

"Look at her," Clara murmured. "I don't think she knew."

"You're right." Now Beatrice stared at her as well. Araminta had her head bowed now, and Clara could tell even from a distance that her jaw was clenched. "Do you think Harrison had any warning? Or do you think it was his idea?"

"I doubt it. He's about as thrilled as she is about this whole thing."

"How do you know that?"

Lord Llewelyn cleared his throat to quiet the room, sparing Clara from answering. "I know this is a lot to ask, but I assure you all, you will be fairly compensated for your time and inconvenience. There is no need to bring anything. The Norringtons just ask that you arrive by tomorrow morning. They will have places for you to stay the night, as well."

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