Chapter 22

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A few weeks after the explosive dinner, Clara came upon Araminta one morning, already up and dressed, wearing the same outfit she wore when Clara returned from the ball. Clara blinked a few times, still not accustomed to her mistress wearing trousers.

Araminta looked slightly panicked when Clara came into her chambers, but relaxed when she saw who it was. "Oh good, you're here."

Araminta had kept her more pleasant attitude toward Clara ever since the night of the dinner, and while Clara was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, she had to admit that it was quite nice. Araminta still expected high-quality work from her, but she was nicer in her demands and very rarely snapped at her.

"Do you have something planned for today?" Clara asked, eyeing the attire.

"I'm going out," Araminta answered. "With Lucretia," she added. She spoke confidently, but only because Clara spent so much time with her could she detect a hint of nervousness.

"And your parents?"

"Gone all day," Araminta said. "You won't have to worry about them. Just do what you usually do, and I'll should be back before they return."

"If not, I'll cover for you."

Araminta gave her a surprised look, but Clara shrugged. "What? You two are cute together."

To Clara's amazement, Araminta actually looked flustered. Clara chuckled and went to start making up the bed when a knock sounded on the door.

Araminta looked up in panic, but Clara just motioned for her to go behind her changing screen. Once she was out of sight, Clara opened the door, only opening it a fraction of the way.

"Hello, Andani," Clara said. "What can I do for you?"

"Hello Miss Clara," Andani said. "There's a transport on its way from the Norrington manor. Just one passenger."

Clara cursed internally, but smiled. "Thank you," she said, and then shut the door.

Araminta came back from around the screen, a frown on her face. "Why does he just show up?" she complained.

"It's better than having to go live with him," Clara pointed out.

"Not helping, Clara," Araminta snapped. She huffed, but then tilted her head her head to the side. She turned back around and gave Clara a look that could be nothing but trouble.

"What?" Clara asked slowly.

"Pretend I'm not here."


"Andani hasn't seen me. I could have left earlier today. So pretend I'm not here."

"Andani knows everyone who comes and goes," Clara said. "That's his entire job!"

"He does take breaks," Araminta said. "Everyone does. I could have snuck out."

"What's the point? You can't sneak out now."

"No, but I can spend time with Lucretia here. No one will bug me in my chambers, no one is even allowed in except for you."

"And what about Harrison?"

"You spend time with him. You actually like him, and honestly, I think he might like you. Think of it like a date."


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