Chapter 43

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"Clara, you look so pretty!" Amyeliana exclaimed.

Clara walked in on the busy kitchen and skirted her way around the edges until she found her sister and Beatrice.

Beatrice looked up and grinned. "You'll have to tell us how it is," she said. "Since we'll be down here missing all the fun."

"Trust me, it's not as fun as you think," Clara cautioned.

"You're just trying to make us feel better," Amyeliana countered.

Clara managed a smile, but all she could think of was the plan about to take place in a few hours. "Are you all set up here?" she asked.

Beatrice nodded. "It's kind of nice not being in charge of everything," she said. "Cadence runs a very good staff. But everything is ready."

"Good." Clara bent down and gave Amyeliana a kiss on her forehead. "You behave tonight, alright?" she said. "And I'll see you tomorrow."

"Why are you acting all weird?" Amyeliana complained. "It's not like I'm going to set the ballroom on fire or anything."

Clara glanced at Beatrice. "Keep an eye on her, yes?"

Beatrice chuckled. "Of course. I always do."

As Clara hurried back up to the main entrance of the manor, she saw that guests were already arriving. There was no formal dinner; instead, tables filled with food would line the edges of the ballroom and guests could eat as they pleased.

The Llewelyn and Norrington families stood at the entrance, greeting guests as they came in. Clara slipped behind Araminta, next to Lucretia, who was there at the request of Lady Llewelyn.

Lucretia shot Clara a small smile. Clara returned it, but even she could tell that it was forced.

The greetings took forever. Even a single group took at least five minutes to make their way down the line of both sets of parents and then finally the two guests of honor. And everyone wanted to make a good impression on Harrison and Araminta.

When they finally headed into the ballroom to join the other guests, Clara felt like she had been standing in one spot for hours. But now, the timeline began on their plan.

The guests would mingle, eat, and dance for about half an hour. During that time, Clara was supposed to do exactly what she should be doing: staying close to Araminta and doing whatever she needed. Keep anyone from suspecting that anything unusual was happening.

It was during this time that Harrison would find Benjamin. He wouldn't tell him any of the plan just yet; they needed proof first. But they agreed that it would be best for Harrison to get in his good graces before dropping the bomb on him.

Then, Mr. Norrington was set to make a speech, welcoming Araminta into the family. Harrison guessed that it would take about 15 minutes, and then after he could keep his father busy for another 15 minutes. That would give Clara half an hour when they could be sure of Mr. Norrington's whereabouts to get to the office, find proof, and get out. Then all she had to do was find Harrison, get him the proof, and he would take care of the rest.

Harrison was the last to enter the ballroom; Araminta went in a few seconds before him. In those few seconds, he turned around to face Clara. He looked her up and down. "You look beautiful." He winked and then entered the ballroom.

Clara blushed furiously, thankful that there wasn't anyone to witness her embarrassment. Shaking off the nerves, she followed behind him.

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