Chapter 24

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"Are you sure it's alright for me to show up without a uniform? I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day."

"Amyeliana, relax. You can't have a uniform already when it's only your first day, and you were only offered you a job yesterday. And besides, it's not like the Llewelyns will be there to watch you step off the transport. You probably won't even see them at all at first, and if you do, it'll only be in passing. So don't worry."

Clara and Amyeliana were walking briskly away from the factory Amyeliana had just resigned from and to the transport station. Amyeliana seesawed between practically skipping with joy and bombarding Clara with hundreds of worries about what could go wrong.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Amyeliana eyed the transport as the doors slid open.

"Amyeliana, I use this transport every day, twice a day," Clara said patiently. "And it's not like the Llewelyns are going to land their airship to allow you to get on it. So let's go."

Amyeliana hurried in behind Clara. They were going up earlier than usual, so they had the entire transport to themselves.

Amyeliana's knees buckled slightly as the transport started to ascend, and Clara chuckled as the young girl ran to the window to look out at the ground growing smaller and smaller beneath them. Clara changed into her work clothes as Amyeliana gave a running commentary about everything she could see.

"You should probably take off your scarves and oxygen filter," Clara advised. "You won't need it up there, anyway."

Amyeliana did as Clara asked, and then nervously paced around the ship. Then she stopped. "Do I get to meet Harrison?"

"No," Clara immediately said. She glared at Amyeliana as the other girl cracked a grin. "Trust me, if you're not going to even meet the Llewelyns, you certainly won't meet him," Clara told her. "You'll be down in the kitchens all day."

Clara's words were true, but given the ever-increasing complications with Harrison, Clara really did not want Amyeliana accidentally letting something slip in front of him. Not to mention Clara hadn't even told her everything. Amyeliana knew that Emme's new book was from Harrison, but nothing about anything to do with Araminta and Lucretia. That wasn't Clara's secret to tell. Not to anyone.

"We should be almost there," Clara said, and sure enough a few minutes later the transport bumped to a halt.

The doors slid open to reveal Andani and Beatrice waiting for them. "Amyeliana, this is Andani. He oversees all the transports that come in and out of the airship," Clara introduced. "And this is Beatrice. You'll be working under her."

"It's very nice to meet you both," Amyeliana said politely. She turned to Beatrice. "I promise to work hard, miss, and thank you for this opportunity."

Beatrice laughed. "Just Beatrice is fine," she said. "And if you're anything like your sister, I'm sure you will work hard. Follow me, I'll get you all set up."

Amyeliana shot Clara one more nervous and excited glance as she followed Beatrice, presumably to the uniform room.

"I think she'll do well, here," Andani commented.


"She looks like she's full of energy. And Beatrice needs that energy in the kitchens prepping for dinner."

"I suppose she does."

"Does Araminta have anything special planned for you today?"

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