Chapter 49

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Clara stood with her back pressed against a building. The early morning sun it up the streets, but it was still too soon for the rush of foot traffic of people going to work. It was the perfect time for Clara to take the first step in her plan. But she was terrified.

True to her word, she had spent most of the previous night telling her three siblings everything that had happened concerning Ezra, Tower and Bridge, Thaddeus London, and the Norrington family. It was hard, at times. Emme spend most of it looking close to tears, but no matter how much Clara wanted to stop talking and comfort her, she had to keep going. She rushed through, hoping to avoid questions and get some time to sleep. Even so, she was starting the day already tired.

Clara stood just around the corner from the factory. The moment she stepped out and around, there would be no turning back.

The flour packets were hidden in Clara's shoes and hair, just as she and Araminta had discussed. Emme and Archibald had both seemed skeptical when Clara told them about her plan to cause chaos, but Amyeliana was on board.

"I saw Beatrice stop someone from throwing flour on an open flame on my first day," she had said. "So apparently, it's not good if it happens."

But with so much riding on what happened over the next day, Clara couldn't help but feel anxious that she wasn't armed with a more powerful weapon.

"Alright," Clara whispered to herself. "Here we go."

She stepped around the corner and slowly made her way to the factory. Her goal was to look unassuming, homeless, and desperate. Only someone with a certain level of hopelessness would look for work in a place where no one has ever come back from.

"What do you want?" the guard barked at her, but he didn't approach. He just watched her with wary eyes.

"I need work," Clara mumbled. She kept her eyes down. "I heard there's work here."

She stole a quick glance up at the guard. He was examining her. "Why do you want to work here?

Clara coughed. "I have nowhere else to go."

"Where do you live?"

"I don't live anywhere."


Clara shook her head.

"What's your name?"


"Wait here."

Clara glanced up again and watched the guard disappear inside. Apparently, he believed her. With no home and no family, she was the perfect person to join the workforce. No one would come looking for her.

The door swung open again, and the guard motioned for her to go inside. A different man greeted her in the entryway.

"Amyeliana, correct?" the man asked.

Clara nodded.

"I'm the foreman here," he said. "I understand you're looking for work?"

"Please." Clara put a slight wobble in her voice. "I just need a job and someplace to sleep. I really don't need much." She figured begging would be a nice touch.

The foreman gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Come with me," he said. "I think we can find a place for you here."

"Oh, really?" Clara tried to make her fake smile more believable than the foreman's. "Thank you, sir, thank you."

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