Chapter 21

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Clara really wished the Llewelyns could come up with something more interesting than dinner parties to interact with the Norringtons. She knew the grandeur of it all was supposed to be impressive, but was it really that impressive to people who also had this level of decadence? Clara lived underground in a two-room space with four other people, and she was tired to looking at the decorations.

And yet, that's where she was, yet again. Clara stood against the wall, Beatrice next to her, watching the two families dig in to their fourth course. All Clara wanted to do was lie down on the floor, and based on Araminta's expression, Clara guessed that her mistress wanted to do the same.

Fortunately, no bombshells about earth had dropped this time. Clara didn't need that to stress about. In fact, Harrison didn't say all that much. He sat next to Araminta quietly, giving brief answers to questions directed at him.

Clara had just finished placing the dessert course in front of each person at the table when Lord Llewelyn cleared his throat. Everyone at the table turned to look at him, but Clara and Beatrice glanced at each other. If there was going to be a bombshell dropped tonight, this would be it.

"We're honored to have you all here as our guests," Lord Llewelyn began. "And it's been wonderful to see Araminta and Harrison grow so close."

"Is he blind?" Beatrice muttered under her breath.

Clara glanced at the couple in question. They sat stiffly side by side, only more awkward with Lord Llewelyn's comments.

"Mr. Norrington and I have spoken," Lord Llewelyn continued. "And because of the union we hope to achieve between the two of you, we think it's time to take the next step."

"Hoping to achieve?" Clara whispered. "They've already agreed to it. Who exactly is all of this decorum for?"

Beatrice just shrugged.

"Which is what, father?" Araminta asked. Harrison seemed confused as well. He threw a questioning glance at his own father. Neither of them looked thrilled to be taking 'the next step.'

"My dear, we think it would be best for you to move into the Norrington manor. Permanently." Lady Llewelyn laid her hand over her daughter's. "We all think that once you're married, it will make things easier to already know the household."

Araminta gaped at her. She seemed at a loss for words. Clara couldn't blame her; she barely knew how to react herself.

"Mother, that doesn't seem very proper," Araminta finally said.

"You'll of course have separate rooms until the wedding," Mrs. Norrington said. "But it will be much easier for you to get to know each other when you don't have to constantly travel back and forth between airships."

Now Clara could figure out how to react. With dread. It was hard enough serving as a mediator between Araminta and Harrison when they lived on completely different ships. Now her task seemed impossible. Especially since she had to keep it a secret.

"Mother, we're not even engaged, yet," Harrison said. He didn't look any happier than Araminta, but Clara could tell he was struggling to keep his face neutral. "I don't see why we can't wait until then."

"So, you do not want my daughter living with you?" Lord Llewelyn asked.

The room seemed to drop by ten degrees. Harrison had backed himself into a corner. "That's not what I meant, my lord," he said quietly. "And I, of course, do not mean any offense. I merely meant to convey that this seems rather rushed. It's overwhelming."

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