Chapter 32

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A/N : I in no way or form support underage drinking in real life, so please don't do this. In a story, it can be a valuable tool, however (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.


"'Well done! I'm proud of you!' Is that so hard to say?!"

"Shush!" You told Tendou as you clung to his arm. You had just gotten on the train home and he had done no effort to lower his voice whatsoever.

"Every time my results are anything but perfect they're right there, getting on my case. But when I do well, which is most of the time mind you, there's nothing but the sound of crickets."

"Tendou quiet down, we're on the train!" You spoke in a voice just above a whisper, but while those were your words, you couldn't suppress a streak of giggles.

The reason you were both here, having trouble keeping quiet on the train, was the karaoke party you were on your way back from.

It had been a celebration of your second year coming to an end and at the same time an opportunity to let loose before having to focus on getting through your last year and preparing for and taking college entrance exams.

The 'bang' Tendou had told you about had come in the form of a few bottles of sake, bought by Kawanishi's older sister. At first, you had refused to drink, but as the night went on and the mood was high, you had convinced yourself that one little cup couldn't hurt.

Your first reaction had been of dislike, but as a warm feeling spread through your chest and your head started feeling a bit woozy, you found yourself drinking the rest of the cup.

Both you and Tendou had only had a few cups throughout the night, but it had been enough for you both to start having a bit of trouble walking straight, and especially Tendou had a hard time keeping his volume down.

While you suffered from the same 'symptoms' as Tendou, you noticed that you were still pretty much aware of what you were doing and saying. Even though that was the case, not everything came out right and nobody would probably believe you if you told them you were still pretty much sound of mind.

That fact had caused you to drag Tendou away from the party before things got too bad. You had no idea what would happen if minors were found out to have been drinking, but you were sure that if Tendou's parents ever found out about it, he would be in big trouble.

That's how you found yourself on the train home with a fairly intoxicated Tendou on your right. He had been complaining about his parents loudly for a while now and you wondered if he would remember anything at all in the morning.

You also wondered if you would remember anything in the morning. The fact that you were still thinking straight right now didn't necessarily mean you would be fine tomorrow. And since this was your first time drinking, you had no idea what awaited you in the morning.

Both you and Tendou stumbled the way from the station to your house and needed to support each other now and again. The subject had still not changed and as you approached your house you put more effort into quieting him down in fear of the neighbors noticing you.

Your parents weren't the most involved people in the neighborhood, but you were pretty sure that if you went walking around drunk with a guy, one of your neighbors would take the trouble of letting them know.

It was near midnight when you put the key in the lock of your front door. Or at least it was near midnight when you first attempted to put the key in, it was midnight when you finally succeeded and you could pull Tendou into the safety of your home.

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