Chapter 04

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It was only the second weekend and already your parents hadn't been able to pick you up on Friday, after school. You had taken the bus back to the city, carrying your luggage all the way.

When you made it home you weren't surprised to find no one there and you did your laundry yourself. You sent your mom a text asking if you should provide your own dinner and your expectations were met when she told you 'yes'.

"I wonder if I can get a second chance at that parents lottery..." You mumbled as you stepped outside again and made your way to the convenience store on the corner.

You picked up a pre-made meal along with some snacks and a couple of magazines. You'd have to stash those last items away to make sure your parents didn't find out what you were spending your allowance on. You often bought some financial or business magazine along with your manga magazines, just to keep them off track.

When you made for the exit you noticed through the glass doors that it had started raining hard. What a perfectly cliché way to express your current mood, it was as if you were the main character of a movie or something...

With a sigh, you braced yourself and then dashed the short distance home. 

Even though your house was only a little bit further down the street, your hair and clothes were still drenched when you walked through your front door.

Leaning against the heavy, wooden door, you tried to regain your composure. You took a few deep breaths and let the anger and frustration flow out of you. 

After placing your dinner in the fridge you took your phone out of your pocket and looked through your contacts to find someone to vent to. Your eye immediately fell on the newest contact in your list.

After lunch today, Tendou was about to leave but something compelled you to stop him. When he asked you what was the matter, you hadn't been able to think of anything but ask for his phone number, 'You know, for when we need to keep in touch and stuff.'

He had thrown you a funny look at your explanation but had complied all the same.

"Should I..." You muttered as you made your way upstairs to your room. "Isn't it too soon to be contacting him?"

But even as you thought that you had typed a greeting and tapped the send button. You threw your phone on your bed as you rummaged through your closet for a set of dry clothes.

Pulling out something comfortable you made your way to the bathroom down the hall and started filling the tub. You put both your phone as well as the magazine you had brought with you in a safe place before finally stripping off your wet clothes and taking a quick shower.

When you were done you quickly took your phone and magazine and stepped into the tub. You stretched your legs and sighed contently. 

You were about to put your phone in the little basket that always stood on the side of the bath, next to your head, when it buzzed. When you saw that Tendou had returned your greeting, you opted to put your magazine away instead.

'What's up?' You sent him, hoping you hadn't interrupted him.

'I'm "studying"' Came his immediate reply.

'I see. I'm glad I'm not interrupting. Do you mind if I rant a little?' While you had no problems talking about your less than pleasant evening, you thought it might be best to not just start venting without any warning.

'Sure, anything is better than trigonometry...' Was his reply and you figured he wasn't having the evening of a lifetime either.

You gladly told him about your parents staying at work late again and how your little trip to the store ended with you getting soaked by the rain. He occasionally wrote a little comment back, but mostly let you rant while remaining quiet.

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