Betrayal Rail

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Was my detection of hearing correct? . . .Gary is a miscreant? This is not true. This has to be a sick joke. No, no one would try to be comedic in this situation. Although, that means hat he his part of Team Rocket. Gary wouldn't. . . He always teased me and roughly beat me in battles, but he's no villain of criminal minds. This must be a misconception or something! 

"Are you serious? This is really fucked up if this is true, Gary." I'm really hoping for a disagreement. 

He turned his eyes anywhere but near me, ". . .yes. But it was only for-" 

"Did you plan to kill Ritchie? I interrupted. At this point I must know. Ritchie didn't deserve it. I would've gladly to switch my life for his. 

Protesting, "No, no, no that wasn't my fault! I just made a agreement with them and temporally joined them. The killing of Ritchie was not planned, I swear!"

Shouting, "Planned? Where you with them before Ritchie died? Are you still working with them?!" My ears gobbled everything within ear shot. Wanting to disbelief is not a mandatory task in my head. I face the truth, even though it hurt badly.


"In what kind of situation would you ever even consider to be on there team?! This has to be the most stupid decision you ever made! How can you be so damn ignorant!" Outrage is exactly what I am right now.

"Please, let me explain!" Gary wept.

It's weird to seen him busted down. Like I seen a legendary Pokémon out in the forest. It's rare or even impossible. My heart says stop, but my brain says no. I feel awfully ill and regrettable to yell at him.

Ritchie wouldn't want me to do that. . .but he's not here. He's not here. . . he's not here! Dead! In the ground! No more conversations with him! No more hanging out! No more anything! He's not here because it's all Gary's fault!

"No, don't come near me! Fuck you! Ritchie's dead because of you! It's all your fault!" My huffing became louder by every word. 

He crossed his arms in discomfort, "I'm sorry. . . it seems shitty, but Ritchie wasn't my fau-" 

"Stop." I continued to be negative, "Leave me alone. . . go be with your team. I'm done playing your games because you already won the battle." 

Gary shook his head, "I'm not-" 

Grabbing Pikachu, " But I'll make sure I win the war."

Scavenging what I can, I darted to the exit of the cave. Gary almost caught me but I pushed him away. Even stepping on the lantern unintentionally, but. . . that lantern means nothing anymore.


[Third Person POV]

The wind blew vigorously while the leaves floated down in a scattered matter. One particular character strolled in the mass of darkness. Holding a small yellow creature with him. The one that's been betrayed by a fellow friend. Running away from his problems once again. 

"Do you here that, Pikachu?" Ash worried.

A sound faded in from afar, similar to a train. 

Ash walked closer to investigate and found a rail belonging to a train. The moving machine on the rail got close to where was Ash was standing. It was too dark to identify what the train was transporting or where it came from. Ash took a step back to let the train go on.

The gushing wind brushed through as the train sped through, "Whoa." Ash awed.

You would think someone would be smart enough to not get on a moving train, but Ash's emotions flooded his wise actions.

"We need to get away, Pikachu. I don't want to come back. . . ever."

Pikachu protested, only to be subsided by Ash's selfish remarks. He first jogged along the movement of the train, then speeding up. There was a cart that was semi-open and Ash has his eyes locked in on it.

First, opening the entrance fully. Second, jumping on with great risk. Third, was not he expected; Pikachu sprang out of his arms right before making it in.

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