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                             The calmness of my room keeps my mind at ease. Pikachu and Furret are getting to know each other on my desk while I sit in front of it. I place my pokeballs on my desk also along with my backpack.

"How about I kill her!" I told them. They both looked at me with shocked expressions. "Nah, just kidding." I assured. Truth is I don't really have a plan. I thought I had one, but homicide isn't my cup of tea.

"Well, you guys. I just have to tell Gary when he's alone. Starting tomorrow if Lizzie isn't there of course." Pikachu nodded in agreement, so did Furret. "Then, come on you guys. Let's head to sleep."

                            Pikachu ran across the room and into my bed already. Furret stayed on my desk and bundle itself to a ball for sleep. I stripped into my boxers and plain shirt and jumped into bed. Pikachu nuzzled closer, yawning quietly.

                            Closing my eyes trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. It felt like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes to see on who exactly. Furret's eyes shut quickly right when I spotted him. Such a weird Pokémon, but whatever. Nonetheless, I dozed off to sleep.

                            Waking to the movement of someone nudging me. My eyes reluctantly opened to view Pikachu trying to wake me up. Sitting up I asked what was wrong. Pikachu ran to the desk to show my pokeballs weren't there or neither wasn't Furret.

                          I quickly jumped up examining the situation. The window of my room is open with a hint of dirt on the seal. Furret I thought we were buddies! Why would you do such a thing? 

"I can't believe Furret will do th-" Suddenly I heard faint noises coming from my desk. 

Pikachu went under to find Furret tied up. "Furret! Who the hell would do this? My Pokemon!" Feeling victimized, untying Furret.

"Come you two, we must find out the culprit!" Quickly I put on my clothes and climbed out of the window, even though I had a front door...

                       The only two Pokemon I had followed behind while I ran to nowhere. I don't know where exactly I'm going, but it sure is to find my Pokemon! I swear if Lizzie is behind this, I'm going to personally let Misty beat her ass.   

                        Where the hell am I suppose to go? Theirs no footprints or trails leading to the crime. Am I suppose to call Officer Jenny or... Suddenly Pikachu spotted a note on my doorstep, he retrieved it for me. The note entitled 'To Ash Ketchum.' Opening the note I carefully read it.

The Note: You're really going to try are you? After I warned you before, you still going to fight back. That's really a shame, but I guess I expectedit. Get ready because I will protect what's rightfully mine. There will be surprises you won't expect, fucking loser.

                       Lizzie really did it. She won't stop at nothing. The melancholic cloud rained down on me, but rage coursed through my body as well. I must find her and destroy her if she lay a hand on my Pokémon!

                       I place the note in my back pocket. Me, Furret and Pikachu sprinted to Professor Oak's Lab to hopefully find her there. No one was there except Professor Oak himself. I must ask him what I need to know.

"Professor, please tell me if you know where Lizzie is?" Asking desperately.

"Autumn? Yes, she's at the river." He answered.

"Thanks!" Leaving rudely. I had to get what's rightfully mine.

                         Almost getting lost in the woods would've terribly turn this day badly. Gladly I didn't lose sight and found Autumn with her legs dipped in the river. Sitting back like shes done nothing wrong.

"Are you mentally insane?!" I fumed.

Looking at me, "Surely, I don't know what you're talking about. It's nice to see you here though." Smirking a bit.

"Cut the act! I know you're the one who-"

Lizzie interrupted me, "Send you the note? It was a welcome back note. Hopefully, my words have inspired you."

Demanding, "Shut up and give me back my Pokémon!"

She gave a slight confused look, "What...? Now, I really don't know what are you talking about. Maybe you're stressing a bit?"

I sneered, "Bitch! You stole my Pokémon! Give them back or my Pikachu and Fu..." I didn't see Furret anywhere. He must've ran off scared. "...or my Pikachu will attack you!" Pikachu surely sparked his electricity to give off a warning.

"Ash, please! I don't know what you're talking about!" Lizzie trembled.

"Stop playing games!" I roared. "Pikachu..."

Tears pouring, "No wait! Please!" Lizzie lifted her arms in defeat.

                               I never imagined having her in tears. It all seem so unreal, but I guess that's what you get for stealing. Karma goes around and sure does comes back. Between her two arms that are covering her face. There was a opening showing her lips, that formed a curve upward.

"Ash, what the hell are you doing?!" Hearing the unwanted voice in this situation.

My voice cracked, "...Gary?" Seeing him emerging himself from the forest.

"Why are you hurting my girlfriend?" Unbelieving of my actions.

Unable to speak, "Uh...I."

"How dare you?!" Gary bellowed. "Stay the hell away from us!" Immediately embraced Lizzie into a hug. Not looking at me.

Quietly shaking, "No... you don't understand..."

"Ash." Gary stern voice scared me. "Leave us alone." Not even looking back to see my troubled face.

                            Stepping back, dragging my feet a bit. Seeing Lizzie's devilish smirk in play. Wait, I can use the note as proof! Reaching my back pocket... it's not there. It must've fell out. My world is crashing down into a spiraling pit of despair.

                             Destiny has forsaken me yet again. Is being a good person ever mean anything anymore? I must face the truth and stop relying on peaceful outcomes. We live in a harsh reality, whether we accept it or not.

                              I sprinted away from all the 'excitement' and... went to a place far away from the river. I know running away from my problems doesn't solve anything, but its all I can think of right now. I'm so sorry Gary...

                              Making you believe that I'm a horrible person. To add it up, I bet she's adding extra lies to make me more 'menacing.' What is her problem? Shes a complete psycho, but I can't proof anything. Wow, I guess it's true. What Pokémon Master would just give up there problems? No one, they would fight back for what's right. For the courageous hero they are. I guess, I'm not meant to be one...

                               Pikachu shouted and I stopped my running. Observing Pikcahu, he wanted to show me what caught his eye. I scanned his direction to see a Hot-Air Balloon. Not in the sky, but on the ground close to us. I can see the enormous balloon popping out of the canopy. Trees blocked the bottom half. We stepped closer to investigate. I wiped the tears in my eyes and wondered about the Hot-Air Balloon.

                               Wait a minute, who's the only people who owned one of these? I know who... but is this really a good time for them to show up? I certainly don't want any trouble. I have to leave before-

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

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