River's Current

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I'm at the Professor's laboratory, searching for him. 

"Professor Oak, have you seen Gary?" 

"Yeah, he's by the river at Cerulean Gym with his girlfriend. How was the Festival, I saw you there last night."

I cringed when he used the word 'girlfriend.' "It was fine, but I gotta go talk to Gary. So, I'll meet you later!"

"Alright, if you say so!" He continued to document researches with Grimer.

The river, only been there once in my life. I know where it is though. It's just around. . . Cerulean Gym, of course. It had to be there. 

No matter, I have to say something even if Misty is there. The truth will be revealed.

After making it to Cerulean Gym, I walked around and explored the area. I'm a little fuzzy on where it is but I know it's somewhere in this forest. I just have to roam around and eventually I'll find them.

I'm actually nervous. My anxiety is rising up inside in a endless whirlpool. It feels like no matter what, it's going to end badly.

After awhile, I hear faint voices. I followed the sounds. The more closer I got, the more the voices boomed. I hid behind a tree the second the voices were audible and peeked. Gary was in fact there, but Misty wasn't. Instead, it was another girl. Long dark brown hair with bright orange eyes. She wore autumn clothing with a hint of brown.

I don't understand. . . I thought he was with Misty. Who is this girl? I can't hear them quite clearly because of the babbling river though. All I can do is just watch. It must be a friend because it looks like their having a friendly conversation. Yeah, its just a friend- wait. Is my eyes deceiving me? Did they just. . . Kiss?

What is going on? What an awful thing to do! Gary, I thought you were better than this? I never expected you to be a cheater! I guess, I was wrong. Not the first time I was wrong. Nonetheless, I have to go back to Cerulean Gym and tell Misty! 

Whoa, is this really happening? Everything is changing like a coursing river. 

I ran back- no, sprinted! I can't go anywhere else, I must go find Misty!

Making it to Cerulean Gym I barged in the front door and looked everywhere for Misty.

Even knowing I knew what he did, I still have mixed feelings. 

I managed to ran into The Sensational Sisters. (Misty's sisters)"Have you gals seen Misty?!" I asked them.

"She must be around here somewhere." Daisy glanced around.

"Hey, do you know why Misty is all 'lovey-dovey' from yesterday? It seems so unlike her." Lily crossed her arms in confusion.

"Yeah, it is certainly odd." Violet said. "Oh wait! She's by the pond!" She pointed to the right direction. The other sisters agreed.

"Thanks!" I walked past them.

Didn't really care for having a 'catch up' moment at the time. I need to tell her the truth immediately.

Walking out of the the door, I see Misty sitting on a bench by a pond with her Goldeen. She doesn't notice my existence until I sat right next to her.

"Hey, Misty." I greeted a hello.

"Oh, hey Ash." She seems distant.

"Misty I-"

She interrupted me, "It was amazing."

Confused, "Amazing?" I asked.

"Well, I gave him a kiss when we talked in private and it felt amazing." She smiled at me. "I was so confident of myself and I finally did it. You should've seen his reaction." She laughed

This is awful, I really don't want to crush her with the information I obtained.

"I have something to say." I stared at her.

She nodded, "Go ahead."

"I saw. . . him today. . . kissing another girl." I truthfully said. "You had to know since, you're going out with him."

I saw her face in shock, the look I was dreading to see. "Ash, you have it all wrong." Trying to deny it.

"Misty, I really did see him kiss-"

She interrupted, "Ash, I'm not going out with him."

My eyes widen, "What?"

"After I kiss him, he told me he had a girlfriend. I was so naive about it too. Sure, it was awkward afterwards, but I'm glad I know the truth. So, I can move on from my silly crush."

She looked over at the pond, "After when I kissed him. I felt that my likeness for him was gone. It was the kiss that made me realize that I don't really like Gary, at all!" She giggled.

I was so glad to hear this! Gary, you're a great guy after all. Even though you act like a jerk. I'm glad Misty can move on from this mess too. The only thing I have to worry about is Gary's girlfriend. . . oh yeah, Gary has a girlfriend.

"You know what's weird?" Misty said.

"What?" I inquired.

"We heard something scatter away after our kiss." She looked at me.

Uh-oh, "Must've been a Pokémon? They're everywhere." I tried to make an excuse.

"Yeah, Gary checked out the scene and found nothing, but he did find some object. He didn't show it to me though, because he just left after he found it."

"That's weird." What could've Gary found?

"Well, yeah so you don't have to worry about me anymore!" She assured.

"That's good to hear." I nodded in agreement.

Misty touched my shoulder, "Why you don't like him anyways? It's been forever now and both of you guys are now, what? Twenty years old. Make up!" Asking in curiosity.

"Well, I have my reasons."

"Tell me, Ash. I really want to know. You know I'll help with anything." She patted my shoulder.

You know what, I have to tell her. Maybe she can help out. Shes going to find out anyways. It would be good if both of my old friends know my situation.

"Because I really like him. . . a lot." I closed my eyes and waited for her reply.

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