Cave Confessions (Part 1)

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                 Hearing soft water drops echo is calming. I don't know where I am, I didn't even open my eyes yet. Feels like I'm in the spirit world. The soft winds shivered through my body while I'm laying down.

               Seviper's wrap is not even on me anymore. My soul is now in purgatory, I think. I should really open my eyes, but I'm afraid to see of what comes. I lightly move around feeling what's around me. Touching rough textures of rocks.

               Slight mumbling cause me to twitch my body. I hear someone talking from the constant echoes. Thinking about it, I must open my eyes now. When my eyes adjusted to the strangely dark room I see a figure with another small figure with it.

The figure noticed my awakening and stepped closer. "I'm glad that you're awake."

"Are you a ghost too?" I asked curiously.

"What? No idiot and you're alive by the way!" He laughed.

What, I didn't die? That's. . . then who is this person, "Who are you?"

"Don't tell me you don't remember me! I'm Richie, we haven't seen each other for awhile. But surely you have to remember me!"

                  Richie? Oh my god. . . I haven't seen him in forever! He looks a little different though. New clothes and a mature face. And there's Sparky right beside him! Whoa, Nostalgia is increasing in my mind. All of this drama that's happening with me I still manage to give a smile. I'm really joyous of his presence.

"Richie! I can't believe my eyes!" I got up and gave him a huge hug.

He giggled, "Glad you're alright from that horrid scene back there."

Oh right, "How did you- like how did even- just how?!" I questioned.

"I was just strolling in the woods to find another Pokémon to friend and there I saw you being strangled by that Seviper!" Grabbing my shoulders, "What a incredible coincidence! And I managed to carry you into this cave for you to heal."

". . .and Pikachu? Wh- where is he?" I searched around.

Richie looked displeased, "Team Rocket managed to escape with Pikachu. . . so sorry."

            My eyes widened over the uncomfortable news. They finally captured my Pikachu and doing whatever they were planning to do with it since the beginning, this is awful. I stepped back until I reached the wall of the cave. Sliding down to sit down with my knees tucked in to my chest.

            I'm really losing it, everything really. My best friend is gone and I don't know how to react completely. Where would I even try to find them? I just really don't know what to when every choice comes crumpling down.

Richie sat down with me. Along with Sparky also, "Hey, it's okay we'll find them." Assuring me.

"It's not okay. The word doesn't exist anymore in my life." I denied.

"Oh, come on! Where's that attitude that I always thought we shared so dearly!"

"It's gone. . . along with my whole persona." Shaming my head down.

Rubbing my back, "Ash, you can't really say that. What happened of becoming a Pokémon Master? You were so determined. . ."

"I'm not up for the part! Okay? My walls have shattered leaving me defenseless. I don't have that much to defend myself, let alone to become anything. I'm. . . such a failure!" Tears dropped down slowly.

"But you promised." He tried to remind of me.

I looked up to his eyes, "What promise?"

"The promise we both made from long ago. When we saved the bag of Pokéballs for everyone from the van that Team Rocket was driving. We cared so much that we had to get them back. You even endangered your own life, it was reckless but heart-warming! I really respected you. After all that you and me promise to each other that we become Pokémon Masters."

That really impacted me, "I forgot about that promise."


"Well, what?" I asked.

With determined eyes, "Are you going to keep your promise?"

His eyes tells me that I really should, but I can't. "I just can't. I don't know-"

          Sparky interrupted me by calling me. Walking up to me with a bothered look. He continued to talk to me. Trying to make since into my mind. I can connect with him actually well. He reminds me of Pikachu so much. The personality between them is uncanny.

          I don't know why, but I found a new found confidence. Seeing Sparky's concern made me think of Pikahu's frightening face, alone and scared. Along with my other Pokémon as well. If everything has fallen apart, then it's my job to pick up the pieces! What do I got to lose right? Literally nothing else!

I stand up while holding Sparky in my hands, "I'll do it. I don't know how, but I'll make an effort that will succeed!"

Richie stand up also, "Yes! That's the spirit!" Sparky cheered as well.

Suddenly I felt a little worried, "Richie, I need you to listen carefully." Looking directly in his eyes, "This Team Rocket ordeal is rough enough, but I had other problems that stood me under a melancholic cloud. I will explain to you in time, but I need your help. . . I know it's asking for a lot. . ."

He placed his hands on my shoulders, "I will gladly help you out in anyway I can." He smirked comfortably. "But for now I suggest to you to now spend your days in this cave with me. It's pretty unknown in Pallet Town. . . it can be our secret base!" He laughed.

                 Inspecting around this cave is cozy in its own ways. Probably used to be a home of a Ursaring. Not that big and doesn't lead to anywhere. The vines outside does cover half the entrance.

"Yeah, it feels like home already." I cracked a smile.

"Theirs that smile I love to- I mean everyone loves to see!" He giggled while rubbing the back of his head.

"Let's go out to get some supplies. I also need to inform Mom my where abouts and we should go now before it gets dark!"

"Yeah, let's go Sparky!" Sparky jumped on his head to lay.

              He reminds me of so much of Pikachu. Makes me dismal in ways I can't understand fully. I'm going to do whatever it takes Pikachu, that I promise. I hope they haven't harmed you.

              Moving the vines I see uncharted countless trees and bushes. The sun is ready to sleep, the wind quieted down and the nocturnal Pokémon are ready to come out. Richie is the first one to go out and I followed. This journey is just getting started by the looks of it. . .


Midnight's Notes

For those of you who don't know this character. Richie is from season two, in three episodes. Basically he has the same characteristics as Ash and Sparky is alike Pikachu also. I recommend searching some stuff about him if you are totally clueless of this character!

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