Pallet Town

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The stars shine bright as it cascades with the midnight sky. Alluring anyone with eyes, capturing their hypnotic gaze. The trees rustle softly while I place my hands in my jacket pockets. Walking on this lonely path going no where. I'm tired of trying to be the best. Everyone has high expectations of me but I don't know why. I just want to enjoy my life as being me, just for a year at least.

Leaving my old friends is just the worst to me. I want to go back and catch up, starting with Kanto. At least, I'm almost there, I can't wait to surprise everyone when arriving. Wanting to relive the old memories I truly crave. I'll be there by morning when everyone is awake. My mother will be especially pleased by my presence. The expression on her face will certainly brighten my mood up.

Meanwhile, Pikachu is sound asleep on my shoulder. Hearing his small snores calms me in the darkness that I'm walking in. I should get some rest, but I won't stop until I get there. I'm almost there that I can feel the nostalgia, it's slowly coming back to me.

These paths do seem familiar now. I remember going through here searching for Pokémon when I was younger. Sometimes, Professor Oak, would show me many types of Pokémon. Now that I think of it, I wonder how he is doing. I sent him so much Pokémon I caught, I will definitely pay a visit.

Furthermore, a sign that I passed said, 'Welcome to Pallet Town.' Only a few more miles until I reach my home. It's weird coming back, like I'm facing my past; a lot of convivial memories. I just wish that I could turn back time. Theirs this one person that I been meaning to meet again. Re-kindle of what we had when we were young, friendship. But somewhere along the way it broke. I don't exactly know how that could of happened, but it did. Now, I'm just hoping he's there at, Pallet town. Their's a lot of things I need to tell him, if he's not his usual jerk persona. . .

Reaching the neighborhood, passing by houses. The orange is piercing through the sky over on the edge, gently. The stars are disappearing along side with the crescent moon. I'm almost there to my house, my home. I bet my mom left my room just the way it is as I left it.

Cracking a smile, there it is. Over there at the end of the road. Gosh, she took such great care of the house without me. The new flowers look lovely, also the new roofing shingles. I'm going to try to memorize everything while I'm here.

Well, I finally arrived to my home and it's now morning. Walking up the steps to my house gives me goosebumps. Standing in front of the door, Pikachu, suddenly woke up.

"Hey buddy, we've finally arrived." I greeted.

Pikachu smiled excitedly with his low closed eyes. Taking a step back, I took a minute to grasp my surroundings; admiring everything in detail. I bent over to pick up a rock beside the door. Finding a key, it's a good thing I remembered that. Unlocking the door, I felt the cool breeze hit me from the air conditioning. Pikachu jumped off and ran inside looking at everything.

Hearing a couple of noises in a another room, me and Pikachu prepared our self's. After a few seconds, my mom came out through the door; always a morning person.

I greeted towards her, "Hey, it's good to see you, mom!"

She paused in shock, "Ash! You're back!" She ran to me, giving me the biggest hug I ever received.

Laughing, "I really missed you."

"I missed you more." She teared up.

"Mom, please don't cry. I'll be staying here for a while." I assured.

Letting go of me, "You are? Oh honey, it would be lovely if you did!"

"Of course, I'm taking a break on trying to be a, 'Pokémon Master.'" I explained.

"Please sit, sit! I'll make you breakfast!" She ran to the kitchen.

"Actually, if you don't mind. I'm going to make a visit to Professor Oak's lab. I want to greet everyone." I mentioned.

"Oh, okay, but please come back quickly. Breakfast is important!" She continued to prepare to cook.

"Pikachu, you may stay to eat." Pikachu nodded, happily.

Walking out, I want to see everyone else. 

Neighboring on, I passed by a few wild Pokémon that has just woken up. Oddish, Rattata, and Pidgey's all yawn together as they wake up for today. The landmarks are in great shape to the sight. After awhile, I made it to Professor's Lab.

Entering the lab, seeing nothing but equipment. Professor Oak must be in the back with all the other Pokémon. Stepping out, to the back yard, all of my Pokémon are there; awake and alive. I spotted Professor Oak grooming, Rapidash.

Walking behind him, "Hey!" I shouted.

Startled, "Whoa!" He turned around, "Ash! You gave me a heart attack! But it's good to see you, nevertheless." He waved his hand.

All of my Pokémon noticed me and sprinted towards me in a crowd, "I'm glad to see everyone is doing just fine! How's it been without me?"

"Everyone is being taking care of with me and my nephew." He replied.

"That's good. I wanted to se- wait. Your. . . nephew is here?" I asked, curiously.

Grinning, "Yes, would you like to see him? I can call him and see if-"

"Theirs no need for that." A familiar voice came behind me.

Turning around, astonished, "Gary. . ."

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