Dying Light

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The colors look so vibrant and dashing. Lantern's are lit everywhere in a random formation. Misty came wearing a traditional outfit to fit the festival, looking beautiful. Pikachu did the same, looking so cute! He went to play with the other Pokémon. Actually, everyone is having a good time. . . except me.

All this excitement is actually bumming me down, but I don't want to be that person who's gloomy at a party. I'll just put on a fake smile for everyone's amusement. Even knowing this day might be the day that I might of made a mistake of coming back home.

Actually, I haven't seen Gary. . . maybe he's not attending. Wouldn't be surprising, with his attitude lately. I really want to see him though.

"Hey, thanks for coming." Misty came to me.

". . .yeah, no problem. Wouldn't miss it." Not really giving a positive mood.

"Ash, It really means a lot to me that you came! I just hope everything goes well tonight."

Either way it won't, "Just, good luck with everything. I wish you the best for happiness."

"Thank you." She hugged me. "It's good you understand."

". . .if only you truly understand." I whispered.

She let go, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing, be careful not getting that dress on fire." I waved my finger around to the lanterns and laughed. 

She laughed also, "I'll catch you later." She smiled and walked off.

Hate to see if it really happens, but it's not like I can stop it. I would have to deal with it. Just like everything else in life. Other people have it way worse than me, but I can't help it that this will be the worse thing that happened to me. 

If it happens tonight.

"Excuse me, young sir." A unknown voice rose behind me.

I turned around to see an elderly woman. Wearing a sparkling purple dress and dark eye shadow to match. "Yes, hello." I greeted her.

"Would you like a Lantern?" Holding up a red Lantern with golden traced pictures on it.

"Oh, thank you, but I don't have any money." Honestly saying.

Smiling, "No charge of course!" Passing me the Lantern. "Do you want to know the meaning behind this very Lantern, I handed you?"

"Um, sure." I looked at the pictures on the Lantern.

"Well, all Lanterns in this Festival are colored for a reason. The red one you're holding is symbolizing Love. They say, when someone hands you a Lantern you must find someone to share with that emotion before the candle burns out." Smiling, "I remembered when someone hand that very Lantern to me and I met my true love. Hopefully you'll find yours too, child."

Wow, I never thought these Lanterns meant something. "Thank you, that's very kind of you."

"Now, go on! Go find that special someone before time runs out." She pushed me gently, encouraging me.

"Alright." I laughed softly.

I walked around this Festival, just for fun anyways. It's not like I'm actually going to find love with this lantern. Bunch of fake meaningless Lantur- Gary! I see him with Professor Oak. He actually came! I started to run towards him- wait. I can't do that! Gotta play it cool, stay calm.

Oh no, I see Misty walking to him! I want to look away, but I desperately want to see what happens. Okay, they're just talking. Just a regular chat. . . oh- wait. Now they're going somewhere, probably to be alone. 

I must follow them!

They went behind a tent and I'm over here hiding in a bush. I'm not able to hear them though, but to only look at what they're saying. At least Gary is still acting himself because he's not even caring what Misty has to say. I want to hear what she saying so bad- I must go closer.

Steadily, I crept up closer. Trying to not make a sound or give up my position. At this point I'm on my knees and crawling. Curiosity killed the Meowth, but it will surely kill me if I don't know. Alright, I can't go any closer, this is the best I can do. I can hear them, but the noise of the Festival is kinda blocking their voices.

"...was thinking that- . . .been really in- to you- . . .just want to- ..." Is all I can hear from Misty. I tried my hardness to listen closely. " . . .by any chance do you want to go out with me?"

Oh no, this is the question I been dying to hear. Will he say yes or will he say no? I set aside my lantern right beside me.

Gary spoke up, ". . . Misty, I-" Wha- what? No! Stupid Festival! 

What did he say?!

Looking over the bush taking a sneak peak. Misty had her lips on Gary's. That's when my world came crashing down, he must of said yes. At this moment my lantern's light died out. Just like my heart. I don't want to be here anymore, I sprinted away. I made loud noises while leaving but I didn't care at that moment. 

Pikachu was disappointed that I took him away from the fun activities, but I just wanted to run away.

Misty, I don't hate you, I just hate your actions. I guess it's my fault that I didn't tell her before and it's too late. To fix everything and reclaim what's rightfully mine.


What am I saying? 'Rightfully mine.' Did a Hypno hypnotize me? Why am I thinking like this? My brain can be so dumb. . . why should I care. I shouldn't be caring about him!  

 What should I even do now? Should I even try? That would be worthless and a waste of everyone's time. My life certainly just got more interesting, but to my disadvantage.

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