Unexpected Accompany

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"Guys, I just don't know what to do with Autumn." Chatting with Brock and Misty. Telling them everything about Lizzie.

"Hiding her true self until a obstacle destructs her path. That being Ash is the obstacle, is the main objective that Autumn will face and will do anything to clear the path. Clearly confronting her won't be a option." Brock briefly explained the situation. Being profound as  ever.

"God, that girl won't dare hurt my friends!  I. Will. Destroy. Her, If she did." Misty spoke.

"Thanks, but...she did threatened me. How am I suppose to actually deal with her? I highly doubt Gary would believe me in any way. What if I make a move then she will feed Gary lies about me?" I pleading for answers.

"Or I can beat her ass." Misty suggested.

"We don't know her true strength and besides she can get Officer Jenny on you if you do." I declined her offer.

"Well, the offer is still up anytime." Misty crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, Ash. This problem seems like only you can figure it out. You probably know Gary more then any of us. Misty and I can't really do anything or solve your own problem." Brock remarked.

"Well-I mean...I think...Yeah. I guess, you're right..." I stammered. As much I want their help It's my problem to deal with.

"But if you need any side help we're here." Misty added. Brock also nodded.

"Thanks, now I gotta go think about this whole situation. I'll catch you guys later." I sighed.

"Bye." Both waved having a slight worried look.

                                    The only place I could think of going is the river. It's been on my mind permanently. Going to the exact spot where I saw Lizzie and Gary kissing each other. The only place that changed my outlook on everything.

                                     I sat and leaned on a tree enjoying the sight of the river. Letting the canopy block the harsh sun. Hearing the soft winds rustle the trees in a hypnotic trance. I feel so alone, yet crowded by nonstop problems.

                                    How do I even- just how- the situation is just a absolute mess. God, I should just tell Gary and see what happens. I literally don't have any other options and I'm not going to give up on Gary. It's the risk that I have to take.

                                    After a while I noticed a Furret in front of me. Looking at me with curious eyes. Not threaten, but just curious. Furret came closer to me at a slow pace making sure I don't do anything to scare him.

Looks like I got unexpected accompany. "Hey, I won't hurt you. You can come if you want." Giving a gentle smile of reassuring I don't mean harm.

Furret came closer almost to my feet."Are you lost or just wondering around enjoying the view?" I laughed. Furret noticed my laughter and jumped on my lap. Giving me a really cute smile.

"I guess you can say I'm here for the view too." I petted Furret's soft light brown fur. "Well, I'm here for something else actually...to solve a problem." Furret looked up at me in a confused look.

"Well, I just have a situation with this guy." I continued to pet Furret. "I-I want to confess my feelings, but he has...a girlfriend." Furret's tail wagged with interest. "and she just a-bitch! I don't know what to do... I don't know what she's capable of. Feels like I should just give up and move on." Furret stopped and jumped off my lap. Nodding his head in agreement.

"You think I should?" I asked and he responded with another nod.

"Well, I can't just give up! I must come up with a plan. In fact, I think I'm already forming up one right now." Like a sudden spark, my idea is being formed. I started to walk away back home, until Furret stopped me.

He ran around me and tried to talk to me."Um...do you wanna come with me?" Maybe that's what he's saying. He nodded, yes. "Well, alright." I laughed. "Climb up then." Reaching down my arm, so he can climb to my shoulder.

"Hey, maybe you can be my new friend." Grabbing my empty pokeball."What do you say?" Furret looked at the pokeball and frowned, nodding in disagreement. "Oh, well that's fine..." Weird, but whatever. I need to go back home and finish my idea for my plan.

                                   It's cool I have a new friend with me now. He can help me out a bit or keep Pikachu company. Furret's personality does seem weird though, but for now on to my home.

                                   Lizzie doesn't know this, but what I learned of becoming a Pokémon Master. Is to never give up on your dreams and this one dream. I'm planning to catch it.

Ash & Gary (Boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang