Ignorant Love

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One week since the tragedy of the death of Ritchie. I never felt the same or thought sanely. Professor Oak agreed to arrange the funeral soon while Gary is helping me out. We both never talked about the kiss though. We're to focus on tracking Team Rocket.

We actually been taking strolls through the forest everyday. We don't have a clear indication where to look, but we're certainly trying our best. Officer Jenny and her fellow officers are trying their best to find them for us. Me and Gary both decided that we have to search for them ourselves. Sometimes cops are a little bit slow when it comes to crime.

One day I wanted to show Gary my hiding spot that I shared with Ritchie. The loneliness felt depressing when the only thing in there was Ritchie's and My stuff. The right thing is probably sharing the cave with Gary. It makes sense, since Gary is willing to help bring justice for Ritchie. I'm sure he will understand completely. 

"Here it is, it's just through these vines." I showed Gary the way of the cave.

He viewed inside, "Whoa."

Letting out a small huff of laughter, "It's really a nice camp ground. . . are you sure you want to stay in here with me?"

"Until are lust for justice prevails. Ritchie's death won't go down in vein." Pointing his finger, "Is this. . . is this his stuff?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, and I think he'll appreciate it if you would use his stuff." I offered.

"I be honored." Gary accepted.

A brief silence surrounded the air. "So, how exactly do you want to. . . proceed?" When he was just about to answer, a random silver can rolled into the cave, "Uh, what is that?" I curiously asked.

The can twisted and sprang a small tube, smoke started to escape the tube. Furiously, the smoke spread and ran through my nostrils. I almost passed out, but I managed to cover my face with my shirt. "Gary?!" The smoke covered my view of any sight. "Pikachu, use thunder ball!"

The bright yellow light sparked the air and tackled the ground. Exterminating the can and having a gust of wind to blow over the smoke. When all came  to view, Team Rocket is right there wearing Gas Masks.

"Well, this is embarrassing." Meowth spoke.

Rolling his eyes, "Oh, great just what we needed today." Gary ranted.

"We have something special for-"

"Kill them." I interrupted James. 

"You can't kill us, you pathetic ass!" Jessie mocked.

Squinting my eyes, " Kill them, Pikachu!" Pointing my finger at Team Rocket, "Kill them right now! Do it!"

Abruptly, Pikachu attacked James with iron tail. Jessie was about to take out her Pokemon, but Pikachu knocked the Pokeball out of her hands. Another bright yellow light emitted from Pikachu, aiming towards all of them.  

Grabbing a rock, I sprinted to James knocking him down, beating him several times. Blood splattered on my clothes, but it didn't stop. Retribution felt so satisfying. Pleading cries made me feel guilt, but It's only playing fair.

Although, murdering will always be wrong in my book, so I stopped.Taking a step back I realized of what I done.

I turned into something that I never thought I would be. I've shouldn't let Pikachu do the dirty work at all. Dropping the rock a tear dropped down from my left eye. It's only fair that they suffer the same fate as Ritchie did, but I can't do it. I'll be stooping to their level. A lever of pure turmoil evil.

Jessie raged and attempted to tackle me. I didn't stop her, my body is frozen. I let myself pummeled to the ground. Not even flinching or trying to escape. Jessie held up the knife and struck it to my skull.


Jolting," Wha-. . . oh damn. . ." I tried to control my uneven breathing.

My eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized it was a dream. The cave is intact, me and Pikachu is safe, but that was a really uncomfortable experience.

When my body tossed around to feel comfort, a warm embrace is holding me in. When upon investigating, daunt filled my eyes, Gary is sleeping right by me. Holding me in a really intimate way. A smile grew from me.

Beautiflys are in my stomach, flying rapidly. Great satisfaction arose in my emotional mind. This moment right here is what I cherish the most. It's what I was looking for all this time. Moments like these should be populated around everywhere. It's truly a great feeling. Felt like this was a perfect moment. . . but it kinda wasn't.

Remembering when I introduced Gary to the cave, we still face communication troubles about our. . . kiss scene. The beauty of young love left from me because of his actions. Why is he still ignoring the fact of that he likes me? Well, I think he does, I mean, he has too!

All the signs are there. . .  I gazed at his face, why the ignorance, Gary? 

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