Before the Encounter

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            I feel like a stalker from watching him from afar. Hiding behind this bush being discrete. I'm not crazy, is just I don't know what to actually say to him. At least he's being caring with my Pokémon behind Professor's Lab.

"He's kinda handsome." Richie approved my guy.

            He insisted of going with me. I personally thought he wouldn't want to over the ordeal we had yesterday. Nevertheless, I appreciated the support.

"But I'm more interested of seeing Lizzie." He searched around. "Is that her? Sitting by that tree?"

"Yeah, that's her alright." I replied.

"I think I've seen her before actually." Richie scrunched his eyebrows.

            Let's see, how should I approach this? It's going to be weird and awkward for me to come and try to talk to him. I wouldn't wanted to see a person I hated, ever.

            Wait, I here something behind me. A muffled noise caught me and Richie's attention. We turned to see Furret looking at us.

"Furret! Where have you been?!" I asked confused.

He sat there and gave a scared look and try to explain what happened to him. "So you did get scared off?" He nodded his head.

"Well, it's okay." I assured. "You can accompany with us. . . oh and this is Richie." I introduce.

Richie seemed to be staring at Furret, really focused. "It's nice to meet you, Furret."Not sounding pleasant at all.

He must've not really like Furrets, "Okay, anyways, Furret I was going to actually go talk to Gary. To explain this whole misunderstanding."

With worried eyes he nodded his head no. "Why not? I know that girl is a problem, but I just have to go and try." I remarked.

             Furret did the weirdest thing, because he rolled his eyes and ran back. Did he knew that it wouldn't work and tried his best to warn me, but I'm to foolish even realize it? Harsh. I looked back to Gary's view and saw that Lizzie is going back in the lab. 

"This is my chance!" I stood up, but only to be back down by Richie. "What?"

"I'll be right back. . . and don't move. You to Sparky." He commanded.

"Wha- why?!" But he only ran away without explanation. 

              What is he doing?! I watched him piratically sneaking up without Gary noticing. No! don't make contact with him! Let me handle It- oh. He actually just went into the lab instead. What the hell is he trying to accomplish? 

"Any ideas what he's doing?" I asked Sparky. He nodded head no with a worried look. 

                What sort of plan are you engaging, Richie. This doesn't make since. What purpose does he have to be in there. Nothing seems logical right now so I have to go investigate. I gotta go see what he is doing, but not get caught by Gary. 

"Come on, Sparky. Let's go find out." I spoke. 

He didn't want to go since Richie told him not to go after him. "Arn't you curious? And I'll take the blame if he gets mad, okay?" Sparky reluctantly agreed to go.

                  I moved from my position and kept my torso down also followed by Sparky. Moving bush to bush and occasionally looking up to see I'm not being watched. Carefully I watched my step to not step on anything noisy. I'm near to the the front entrance and at soon as I opened the door Richie came out with a device in his hand.

"Okay, first of all. I told you guys to stay over there. . . but whatever let's go!" He grabbed my hand.

While we ran, "Wa- wait! Did you steal that?!" 

"I'll explain when we find a secure place!" Richie responded.

                   Hopefully everything will make since if he explains his reasoning. After a few seconds we hid behind a couple of oak trees.

"You'll never believe what dirt I have on Lizzie!"  He cheered with enthusiasm.

"Besides her being a pile of dirt, what is it?" I questioned. 

"Well, this device I have is a recording device. And you're going to hear two voices come to play, but be warned, because it will be of your dismay." Richie started the device.

                  I listened carefully of what might solve his reasoning. The first voice I hear is Lizzie. 


"What is it now?" 

"Is it that damn, Ash again?" 

"I thought last time would've got straight into his thick head to back off. God, he cannot ruin my plans!"

"Looks like I have to keep him on the ground and kicked the shit out of him!"

"Damn ignorant fool."

"Come on, let's go."


                         I'm stunned, not of what I heard from Lizzie, but what I heard from the other voice. It was. . . Furret. He's been pretending to be my friend in order to keep tabs on me and make sure I don't do anything with Gary! Just when you thought you can trust Pokémon. . .

"I'm speechless. . ." I'm still shocked.

"Yeah, I thought I felt something fowl with that little guy and even saw him run to the lab. . . and I had to show you proof. I'm sorry." Richie apologized.

"No, it's not your fault. I forgot that even Pokémon can't even be trusted sometimes." Looking at Sparky, seeing his worried expression, "Besides I should be finding my best friend anyways. Gary can wait-"

"No." Richie disagreed.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Clearly this Gary has been on your mind and been bothering you! You need closure dammit! We're going to expose of what she is and we are going to do it now!" Forcing me to go with him.

"H-how?" I requested for a answer.

Richie smirked, "I got evidence, remember?" Holding up the recording device.

              Then we're off straight to Gary to expose of what Lizzie is truly is. Richie is more clever than I thought. Good thinking that he used a recording device. . . a device he never had to begin with. . .

"Wait, were did you even get that?" I inquired.

"Oh, I. . . borrowed it." He laughed innocently.

                  So I was right that he did steal. . .cheeky bastard.


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