Reoccurring Memories

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[Gary's POV]

         Waking from a terrible pain from the back of my head is something no one enjoys. It caused a migraine that won't stop. My eyes are cleared to see the forest before me. Silent yet occasional noises of natural wonder.

        Having no memories of my well being, I got up from my slumber. Wondering why I slept in the forest anyways. I don't even remember memories of my life that well. My name is Gary though, I know that for sure. God, not remembering anything is a bitch. 

       I investigated around my surroundings, but didn't find a single clue as why I'm here. No use of staying here then, I thought. I strolled through the woods as casual not knowing of anything. This couldn't be a dream as it feels so real. 

        Hearing a rumble in the bushes caused me to panic. I quickly put my guard up to see what comes out. As to my surprise it was a wild Bulbasaur, harmless little creature. Searching for food probably. I ignored it and moved on, walking to find civilization, hopefully.

      Dawn is upon the sky to this very second. I must hurry to be careful of not to stay here for darkness. It's gets pretty creepy as I recall from my past or maybe that's what mothers teach us naturally. Nevertheless, I'm not afraid of anything. No damn thing can scare me so easily. 

        Spotting footprints attracted my attention. Those of a person and a Pokemon, I followed of might maybe a passing trainer. The footprints seems jittery and frantic as I investigated. It looks like the person is wearing boots and the Pokemon is small and four-legged. Anyways, my head is healing from the unknown headache, slowly fading away the pain.

        From a distance I hear two voices conversing.  To my curiosity I made my way to the voices and disregarded the footprints. One voice does sound familiar, a lot familiar actually. 

        Not wanting to risk of meeting criminals I carefully examine from afar, behind a Oak tree. Two boys walking in search for something. One is carrying a Pikachu. Both of them are actually are pretty cute, especially the other one without a Pokemon. For some reason he attracts me more.

They seem not dangerous. I can take them if they try to do anything though. I emerged from behind the tree and walked towards them. "Do you guys know where am I?"

They noticed me in a shock form, "Gary!" Both shouting.

"Wha-? You guys know my name?" I questioned.

"Well, of course. Don't you know us?" The one with Pikachu asked.

"No. . . I don't even know how I got here."

               Both boys looked at each other in awe. Even whispering closely to themselves. I don't have the slightest clue of what's happening or who I'm speaking to.

"By any chance does the name Ash, ring a bell?" The same boy asked me.

"Not Really, look can you two just take me to the nearest town or something. I just want to go home. . . if I have one." I didn't really care for the details of them. I just want to know who I am first.

"Well, I'm Richie and this is Sparky." Richie introduced.

"I'm Ash. Do you know where you are?" He asked.

"I just asked 'where am I' of course I don't." I rudely returned his answer.

            Ash seemed hurt by what I said. It doesn't matter though. As long as they take me to the town I'll go to a Pokemon center and maybe they'll help me out better than these two. 

"Yeah, of course." Richie agreed. "Um, just follow us." 

"Sure." I took his request. 

         I quietly followed behind them, not uttering a single word from me. Both of them only whispered to each other. Probably figuring out on what to do with me. It really annoyed and pissed me off when people do that. I also don't like when they occasionally look back to look at me. 

        Huh, looks like myself is coming out here and there. Hopefully more will come sooner. It's bad enough I'm receiving help from complete amateurs. Even knowing they're really cute. 

Ash spoke up, "Hey, do you know someone name Lizzie? Or maybe Autumn?"

"I don't know anyone, but my name. Besides who name their child Autumn? Why should a name of a beautiful season to be passed by a child that most likely doesn't deserve it?" I'm already getting tired of answering stupid questions. 

"Good point." Ash smiled and faced front. 

         That smile of his really intrigues me. I don't know why, but it sparked a memory. 

"Ketchum?"I muttered out.

Ash turned back, "Yes? Wait, you remembered my last name?" 

"I guess so. . ." Weird, maybe I do know this person. They did know my name after all. " How do you guys know me?" 

"Well I recently know you, but Ash here can help you out on that!" Richie raised his thumb. 

"Yeah!" Ash shouted accidentally. Then he blushed sightly, "I will answer anything you ask." 

"You know what." Richie stopped us, "Why don't you guys just sit here and talk while I'll. . .uh. . . sight seeing!" He power-walked away with Sparky. 

I rolled my eyes, "Let's just get this over with." Rushing this.

"Yeah. . ." Ash agreed. 

         We sat down close, backs facing the big tree. When we got comfortable there were still no words coming out. Ash is just staring at me. Completely unaware that I needed answers. It's weird that it didn't freak me out at all, nor it was uncomfortable.

         It was refreshing and yet relaxing to look at his face. Like I know this person my whole life. Why the hell am I so fascinated by him?! 

"Dammit, why do I like you so much?!" I roared questioning.

Now he's blushing even more,"You li- like me? Without even knowing who I am?" 

"I don't know even know why, but it's really annoying to not to know."

"You know what, maybe this can help." Without any hesitation or my permission he kissed me.

          Shocked, but I didn't pull away. I'm really enjoying this and actually got myself closer to him. Reaching around his waist while the other hand is behind his head. I didn't know how would this help, but it sure is nice. Like, it's meant to be or something.

          I want to know who this guy is badly. This person has got me feeling ways I'm not sure that it is acceptable. The making out feels so wonderful. I have to know right this instant!

I stand up, "Who the fuck is Ash Ketchum?!" 

        Suddenly the memories are coming back to me. Ignited by the name I said, all came in like a flash. Now I'm aware of the situation. I felt so blind of my stupid actions.

         I can't believe I made out with my child-hood crush.

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