Rival Greeting

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"What brings you here in Pallet Town?" Gary asked, emotionless.

"..." I couldn't say anything. Seeing him standing right in front of me is shocking to me. 

I've waited to long, I uttered my reply. "I just wanted to come back...and take a break for a while."

"Take a break? That doesn't sound like the Ash I used to know." A hint of worry showed, but quickly faded away.

"Just for a while of course. Besides-I haven't seen everyone for a long while. I missed everybody, including you. Even know that you're arrogant at times." Looking away, I felt ashamed to even say I missed him. I really did though.

At that moment Gary looked at me, seriously. "You missed me?" Not believing it.

I wanted to say 'Just kidding, duh.' But I couldn't. Lying will just make it worse for me. "...yeah." I managed to look at him in his dull yet beautiful eyes.

"Whatever. Come back when you're actually leaving." Turning around to leave. Nothing but a 'I don't care' attitude. Kinda hurts me. . .

"Sorry Ash but he's been like that ever since he came a couple of weeks ago. Not even telling me what's his problem." Oak came behind me, patting my shoulder.

"It's fine." I lied.

"Can you go to the lab and fetch me some berries for your Pokémon?" Oak asked.

"Sure." I nodded. "No problem." Walking to the back entrance of the lab.I remember that Oak keeps almost all kinds of berries. 

Growing in one of his private rooms. Not really sure what to choose but I'll just pick a variety of them. While I was picking the berries my thoughts circled around Gary. I knew he didn't care that much but I couldn't help feeling despaired. At least he's here, maybe I can try to rekindle what we had. . .if that's possible.

Walking out of the room I see a photograph hanged up on a wall. A picture of Oak and Gary both smiling happily. How I love that smile of his it Instantly brightens me up. A berry fell from my grasp and rolled to a different direction. I followed it but stopped when I saw a pair of someone's legs.

"I see that you're not capable of handling a simple task." Gary bent over to pick up the berry. "Just give me half of those before you lose another." My nerves jolted of seeing him again.

Giving him my half, "Thanks." I calmly replied.

"Don't get used to it." Rolling his eyes.

". . .sorry."

He looked at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Confused, "I don't understand."

"Wheres your spunk? Your charisma, moxy attitude, lame comebacks, annoying replies?" With a angry expression. "Did you get screwed in the head or something?"

I didn't expect for him to ask that. "...uh." Troubling with my words, "I'm not that. . . into it anymore."

"You're joking. You always wanted to be the 'Pokémon Master.' I mean, really what happened that caused you to be thi-"

"Why do you even care?" I blurted out, not even sure if those were correct words to say.

He took a moment in silence,"You know what, never mind." He walked away, frustrated.

Damn, I didn't mean-"Wait!" Shouting.

He continued to walk, "Leave me alone."

Wow, I managed to screw it up yet again. I should've just shut my mouth. I'm trying to fix this, worsen it. If only you knew why I'm not myself, Gary. If only it was that easy to say it to him. Weirdly, I thought it would've been much easier.

Dropping down the berries into the basket I said good-bye to everyone, not including, Gary. I came back to the house and isolated myself into my room. Not saying much to mom or Pikachu. Shutting the daylight with the curtains. Dropping down my bed exhausted, both mentally and physically. Starring at the ceiling with mixed thoughts.

Maybe tomorrow will be better?

 I'll just sleep the rest of the day and night to start the new day. Theirs still some friends I want to meet. . . hopefully Gary will calm down. 

My eyes finally gave up and so did my brain, thus making me fall to sleep.

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