Mourn Riches

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[Ash's POV]

I looked at him in awe, "I'm your life time-"

"-Rival." Gary finished for me.

"Yeah. . . now you remember?" I asked curiously.

"Everything came to me suddenly." Crossing his arms, "It makes since, now."

Blushing from the kiss, "Well, that's great! But do you. . . now know about Lizzie?"

I rubbed my arm as I watch him ponder. Nervous of what he's going to say exactly. It's not everyday you find your girlfriend is a psycho bitch.

". . . Yeah." He looked at me.

I paused before I spoke. Not sure of what to say next, "Are you alright?" Is all I can think of.

"Honestly, I feel just fine." Gary stepped closer to me, "Everything that happened doesn't matter anymore." He placed his hand on my shoulder, "Now we can forget and move on." 

Dazed at what he said, ". . .wait, what?"

"We should get back to town." Gary walked away.

didn't understand it at all. Did he just completely ignore of what we did just recently? What kind of denial is he facing?

". . .I don't understand." I replied confused.

He stopped, without turning around, "It's in the past."

Just like that everything is back to phase one. He's moving into the future while my head is still in the past. Maybe he just doesn't want anything to do with me. Even if that's true I can't accept it, at all. Because right from the start he stole my heart. . . and I don't think he realizes he's the thief.

"Why?" I blindly asked.

He turned around, "Because. . .it can't-"

From a distance their was a faint scream, belonging to Ritchie. Gary and I froze while we looked at the direction of the scream. More screamed roared through the woods. Without any more hesitation we sprinted to the conflict. As quickly as possible.

There standing was Team Rocket with Ritchie in the wraps of Seviper, breathing for air. Sparky in a glass trap held by James. What gives them the right to danger my friends?!

"Let him go now!" I roared.

"Why should we?" Lizzie came out behind them. "We need to annihilate the problem."

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I warned.

A blade appeared, centimeters away from Ritchie's neck, "Why the hell not!? I can do anything I want!"

"Drop the knife, Autumn. There's no need for this." Gary tried to convince Lizzie.

"And what are you going to do if I don't stand down?" She slowly sliced Ritchie's neck, only half way done.

"STOP! YOU BITCH!" I yelled.

With one anger look she forcefully deepened the knife. Blood spilling all over Seviper's body. Ritchie struggled and yelp for help. Every sound he made engraved into my mind. I shook uncontrollably as the sight changed my perspective. Sparky slammed his body to glass hoping to break, but failed. The terrified crying face damaged me. 

Sirens fading in suddenly out of nowhere. "Shit, come on let's go!" Jessie called out.

"Until next time I guess." Lizzie left with the knife still lodged into his neck. Dropping down as Seviper slithers away. Taking Sparky with them also.

 Walking slowly to Ritchie, ignoring Gary's calls. My knees weakened with every step I took. I dropped down to his body. Not caring for the blood on my hands I picked his head up. Placed him on my lap, tears running down my cheeks.

Barely even speaking, "I. . . I'm so. .  . sorry. .  ." I removed the knife. "It's my fault. . . that you're. . . dead!"

Ritchie's eyes are still open. Staring at me with what I think is judgmental stare. He has the right to blame me. It's my fault and forever will be. I wish this situation could've had a alternative ending. . . You are a treasure to this world, Ritchie. It's a shame that people can just kill innocence that easily.

Officer Jenny arrived at the scene but I was to shocked of what happened. My mind still didn't register that he's dead. A corpse that will never say a single word to me ever again. Sparky is gone because of me. You're dead because of me. None of this would of happened if I didn't drag you into this. 

"It. . . should've been me. . . I dissevered to die. . . inste- instead of you. . . " Sniffling, "I'm so. . . sorry." 

Gary placed his hand on my shoulder, "It's not your fault. . ." 

"Yes it is!" I shoved his hand back. 

Crying even more uncontrollably. Hoping that this was all a dream. . . or a hallucination. My senses are failing me now as my sight blackens. My hearing fading away while my body collapses to the ground. 

I will never forget this Team Rocket. 

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