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The adrenalin is rushing through my veins like never before. A date? I'm stuck in the senior editors meeting when my phone buzzes. I don't usually attend to my phone when I'm in a meeting, especially one that is as important as the senior editors meeting, but I know it wouldn't hurt to glance. My heart beats out of my chest:
* It was good seeing you after all these years. Catching up. Catching you. I know you slipped, but it looks like you fell for me.
*Know you're in a meeting, being the sexy CEO that you are. That should be some kind of halloween costume.
> Cruz Forman
> Impressed reporter, Forman Magazine Inc.
Holy fucking shit. How did he get my number? I don't remember giving it to him.
^ response to Cruz Forman:
~ I was falling for the floor until you got in the way, but thank you, I fell on you, not for you.
~ But hey, who am I to terminate any and all aspirations you have? I'm just a CEO of a publishing company.
~ Now get lost, I have a meeting to attend to.
~ Also, how'd you get my contact information?
> Josanna Guelas
> CEO, Guelas Enterprises
"Ma'am, are you okay?" asks Jessie Crawford, one of the best editors. "You look flushed. Do you want some water?" Is it that obvious? I shake my head and insist that we get right back to the meeting. 20h45. It's late. Rosaline says she's going to stick around until everyone is gone home. I nod at her, as she leaves the last of my stuff in the back of my car. She disappears, and I head home.
I have this habit of connecting my phone to my car the moment I get in, but for some reason, I forget, and I end up driving home in silence. I've never driven home in silence before. It isn't long until I approach my house,

with an unfamiliar vehicle parked in front of my gate, with Tyler, My security, halfway inside the driver's side window

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with an unfamiliar vehicle parked in front of my gate, with Tyler, My security, halfway inside the driver's side window. He approaches me and tells me the driver's information. I tell them to open the gates to let us in and my body begins to produce dopamine 100 times faster than it usually does when I see Cruz exiting the vehicle.
He changed into black jeans and black and white nike sneakers with hot red laces. He's wearing the same shirt- but it out of his jeans with the top button unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up. Good gracious. He smiles and hurries to open my door. He stretches out his hand to help me out and impressively manages to grab all my stuff from the back and follows me to the door.
Despite his hands full with my manuscripts, he manages to hold the door open. I eye the table where he should leave the manuscripts, and as I walk towards the kitchen, he disappears. I am confused. Where is he? I hope Graham (the the second security and Tyler's brother) didn't attack him. I pace towards the door and I see him returning with a few take out bags.
"I couldn't wait for tomorrow," he says. We're sitting outside, catching up. I was rocking my chair, and as I look deeply into his ocean eyes, he sat with his one leg across the other, and we make conversation about work, I lose my balance. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I manage to grab onto the table and steady myself. He laughs. What a beautiful sound that is, I think to myself. How much more beautiful with the sound of him-
"Yeah sorry, what were you saying?" What is wrong with me?
"I asked if you wanted to eat." He stands up and stretches his hand out. I melt.
"Lead the way."
We're sitting next to each other at my 16 seater custom made table, enjoying the seafood platter he bought. Even after three years, he still remembers that I love seafood. I smile at that thought.
"Well what are you so happy for?" he asks as he fills his mouth with calamari. I shake my head and finish up. I take the plates to the sink and begin to wash them. He follows with the glasses, and pushes me aside and starts to wash the dishes. I stand and watch him in awe.
"You do know that I have a dishwasher right?" He turns around and I point to where the dishwasher is.
"Well whatever." He grins and he stares at me. I turn off the tap and turn him 90 degrees so his wet hands are swung around my waist. Enough of this. I want him. Now.

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