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"Text me when you reach home. Go straight home and don't leave home for anything. Ask Graham to get anything from the store for you, but unless the entire house is on fire, so help me Jo if I find out that you left-" I stare at him. I see the fear in his eyes. What is he so afraid of?
I pull him into my arms and kiss him goodbye. As he walks up the stairs, he turns back and looks at me. I'll see you tomorrow baby, why are you worried? I watch the plane ascend and Tyler brings me back home.

I forgot what it was like to live alone. Everything is so quiet and it's like my body is here but I'm not. Have I fallen in love with Cruz, again? I grin at the thought. I've never thought about marriage, or children for that matter. And in any case, we've only been together for a month and a half, and what a rollercoaster it's been. Never in a million years did I expect to re-kindle this old flame, or any old flame. I need to text him, otherwise he'll have babies.

to: Cruz Forman
I am home.
Hope you're ok <3
You better not be hitting on Cam, I'll kill you.
Missing you.
Jo x.

And within minutes, he replies.

from: Cruz Forman
I am ok, just checked into the hotel.
who exactly is Cam?
Missing you.

Doesn't he know Beighley's full name?

to: Cruz Forman
Cammeryn Taylor.
Got to check up on work.
See you tomorrow.

from: Cruz Forman
I didn't know that. Thank you for informing me.
Goodnight baby.

Shouty capitals. I log into the work portal through my laptop and in the orner of my eye I see something shiny lying on the nightstand. Keys? And a note:

These are the keys to my house.
When leaving tomorrow, give them to Tyler along with your keys. I figured that it would be safer to keep both batches of keys together. 

Okay then, bossy.
Everything is rather boring at work- only a few things that needs signing off. The smell of Cruz still lingers around in the room. I miss him so very much. I wonder what he's doing. It's 22:35. He must be asleep. I text him.

to: Cruz Forman
Dream of me.

He doesn't reply and I know he's sleeping. A document at work is requesting me to add a daycare facility for my employees' children. Why not? It should be free. One day even I am going to have kids. With Cruz? Let's walk before we run Jo. And then it hits me- make him move in. Brilliant. I hear Graham and Tyler downstairs watching a football match. They're basically my best friends. They have rooms in the house and I told them on the first day I hired them that they are welcome to do as they pleased in my house. I exit the work portal and head downstairs. I grab the bowl of popcorn and sit beside them as they pester me on whose going to win. "She really doesn't give a shit, does she?" Graham asks Tyler as they both look at me.

I tell them about my plans on moving Cruz into the house and their faces drop.

"Jo, you're our girl, we love you. We always support you in everything that you do and everything that you persue. Don't get me wrong, Cruz is a great guy and he really does make you happy, but don't you think that maybe you're rushing this?" Tyler says. He's known me for a long time, since highschool. He knows what we had back then. He knows how he treated me and how hurt I was when he chose her over me. "You're right, I need to think this through." I smile at him and he grabs me and kisses me on my head.

'' I know I'm right, now get some sleep, we all have a long flight tomorrow."

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