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It's been too long since I've been at work. I kiss Cruz hard before I jump out of his Porshe. He is also going to work today. I watch him disappear into the distance before I go inside. So much has happened since I was here last- as in actual work- not the parking lot. I got engaged, I found my daughter- life has been full speed ahead.Everyone welcomes me with a smile.

Where's Rosaline?

I enter my office and reminsce about meeting Cruz again. Little did I know that it was a day that is going to change my life forever. Rosaline walks in. She looks good.

"Ma'am. Good to see you." She walks in with a clipboard and alot of papers. What are those? Documents? Manuscripts?
"Rosaline. Hi. Thank you for holding down the fort for me. You're my lifesaver. What's first on the agenda?"
"Well, I am."
"You?" I asked, puzzled.
"I'm getting married tomorrow. I would like for you and your friends to come."
I didn't even know she was in a relationship. "Congratulations, Wilson. Do you have a registry?"
"Yes, but it's full. You don't have to get me anything ma'am. You pay me more than enough."
"What don't you have in your house?"
"It's really hard to get a refrigerator and a washer-dryer. I looked everywhere-"
"It's done, you have them."
"Ma'am absolutely not. They are expen-"
"Wilson, You want to talk about price? It doesn't matter. I wouldn't be as successful without you. Behind ever successful entrepreneur, is her assistant. So you now have a fridge and a washer-dryer. They'll be delivered- Your address?"
"The same. Thank you, ma'am. I'll e-mail you the wedding invite."
"Of course, now what's next?"
"Your meeting. It's in the conference center in the next hour or so. These are some documents that need signing off and some manuscripts, just two. Your plan for the daycare is here too, there's some applications from some creche' teachers."
"That's it?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Okay, then Rosaline. Thank you."
"Page me if you need anything, ma'am. I'll be around."

She smiles and leaves. The first thing I sign off on is the daycare thing. I'll be needing that. As I read through one of the manuscripts, my phone vibrates.

Cruz <3
My dearest Jo, I miss you like hell.
Hope work is treating you well. It isn't
on my side.. Wish we were still in our
little bubble.
I have a surprise for you later ;).
My life, my everything, I love you. x.

He gives me butterflies.

My baby, I miss you too much. Been thinking of
you all day. Can't wait to see you later. Work is
treating me fairly well- for now. I have a the next hour or so. Hope this surprise is a good one.

I love you, mi alma. xxx.

At that moment- my screen flashes. It's a video call from Steph. When I answer, I am bombarded by my sweet Esmay's chubby little face. She laughs and laughs, before I'm interupted by Adam and Danielle's video call. We talk about the wedding for, 20 minutes before I tell them about Esmay. They are so happy. I send them pictures. I try to add Liv to the call, but she doesn't pick up. Rosaline knocks at the door to tell me it's time for the meeting. I give them my love before I head towards the conference center.

The conference center is filled with people from all over- India, China, Russia- I own shares in all their businesses. My share started them off. The all brief me on the progress of their businesses and to my surprise, each and every one of the 20 businesses are flourishing. The meeting went well.

As everyone leaves, I tell Rosaline to tell all the staff to meet me back here in 2 hours.
"Yes ma'am." She replies. "Mr. Forman is waiting in your office for you."
I blush. "Thank you."
I open the door- and my fiance' is sitting in my seat, reading the manuscripts.
"Hey, this is good."
"Yeah, need to inform production."
''Trust me?" He asks as he stands up and comes closer to me.

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