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My head hurts. The sun shines brightly through the window. My bed is empty. I open my eyes and I suddenly remember the fight I had with Cruz. He must have slept on the couch. I can't find my phone to check the time. I put my slippers on and I walk around the penthouse- No one's home... Tyler must be at Leah's. If all went according to plan, Graham must be at Liv's. Where's Cruz? I look around the room for the telephone. I dial his number. Nothing. I try again- still nothing. My heart starts to beat faster than it should. I can feel all the booze from last night creep up my throat. I try again-
"Hello, Cruz's phone-"

I cut it immediately. It's a woman.

Every thought suddenly disappears from my body. I need to throw up. I run to the bathroom and bring up all of the contents of my stomach. How much did I actually drink last night?" I rinse off my mouth and head to the great room. My mind is still blank- expect that the voice of 'her' keeps replaying in my head. I'm trying to analyse it. Is it Callie's voice? No. Her voice is all high and squeaky.

Hours pass as I lie on the sofa with a fleece throwover- the sun shines intensely through the windows but I'm shivering. I stare at the foreign object on my finger. Is this going to work out? Is he really using me for money? Does he really love me?

The door opens. It's him. Olivia walks in behind him. I wake up and I run to him. He holds me in his arms and then grasps my face in his hands and kisses me. I can't believe I didn't realise that it was Liv's voice. Guess that's what alcohol does to you.

''I'm sorry for last night, I'm so sorry baby."
"Jo. I love you. More than you can even imagine. I would do anything and everything for you. We have alot to talk about, but I promise you that I did not and will not ever lie to you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not your money. And this- this is my promise to you. Liv-"
Liv hands me a brown envelope. I open it.

Prenuptial agreement
Cruz Forman and Josanna Guelas
Witness- Olivia Winter
When joined in holy matrimony, all belongings, possessions, properties, vehicles, businesses and all other assets of Ms Josanna Guelas, will remain as hers.
When joined in holy matrimony, all belongings, possessions, properties, vehicles, businesses and all other assets of Mr Cruz Forman, will remain as his.
In the event of death of either Mr Forman or Ms Guelas, then only will the spouse be granted access of the deceased's assets.
In the event of divorce, the divorcees will keep the assets recorded under their name eg- Ms Guelas will not be required or forced to sell her business and give Mr Forman shares, as the business is hers and solely hers, unless changed after marriage.
In the event of divorce, where the divorcees share common assets that are under BOTH their names, then these assets are to be added of all their values and sold, The divorcees will then add up the income of all the sold assets and divide it equally between the two of them, or if required, divided amongst other parties eg. Children.
In the event of a sale of an asset that is under the name of both spouses, then the income is required to be divided equally amongst the parties.
Date of prenup agreement formation- 04/03/2021
Date of engagement- 02/03/2021
Date of marriage-
Cruz Forman- Cruzforman
Josanna Guelas-
Winess- OliviaWinter

He got me a prenup. I am in awe. Liv puts it back in the envelope and Graham comes in with pizza. We sit on the terrace and indulge in the best pizza I've ever hand. Liv and Graham inform me that they hooked up, Liv smirks at me and Cruz smirks at Graham.
Soon. Liv and Graham leave.

"I have a backache." I confess.
"Well, Let's fix that."
He scoops me up and kisses me hard all the way to the suite. I am wearing his grey sweatpants and one of his shirts. He rips them off my body and kisses every inch of it.
Before I know it, I'm naked. He hovers over me, shirtless. What a sight.
"Sit up." He commands.
I'm in between his legs as he starts to massage my shoulders.
"You look pretty." He says.
"Thank you.
"Like really pretty."
"Thank yo-"
"Now open your legs."

I look in the mirror at him and he has a devilish smirk plastered on his face.
He rips off his trousers, and his underwear comes off with it. He flips me over and I lie on my stomach as he grips my hair and picks my hips up.

"I wanna be rough with you." He breathes.
"So be rough with me." It's as if all the anger from yesterday and this morning has now turned into adrenalin. Before I can catch my breath, he slams into me. I can feel him- He's deep. His grip around my hair loosens as he tries to grab my neck along with it. His other hand scapes around the front part of my body. He travels from my lips...Lower...Lower...Lower...Until I can barely take a gasp of air. I can feel my body flush as I reach my climax. He picks up his pace. I can hear low moans and deeper inhales for air as he goes faster and faster. His exhales of air hit my lower back, which sends shivers all over my body. I'm close.

"Oh. Jo. I'm going to come."
"Me. Too. AHH..."
"Fuuuuck. I. Love. You."

My heart was racing, until I- we, finally tipped over. He eases out of me and turns me over on my back and he lies next to me as he pulls the sheets over us. I nuzzle into him.
''How's the backache?'' He asks, as I listen to his heartbeat normalize.
"What backache?"

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