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I'm home. It's been three whole weeks since I've felt the comfort of my home- my sofas, my food, my bed. Cruz isn't here- I demanded he goes home and gets some rest- rest from me.  Tyler walks in. He was the last person I saw before I got shot- besides Doctor Beighley. He smiles. "Jo, good to see you home." He hugs me. "I have some papers for Cruz. Give it to him when he returns. I'm going to run some erens, do you want anything?" I shake my head assuringly. I don't want take-out.

The envelope is a brown, sealed one, stamped with private and confidental on it. I shouldn't open it. It's probably his medical reports. I leave it on the counter and scavenges the fridge for something to eat. All I find is a chocolate cake. I now crave it. I cut a rather large piece and throw myself on the sofa and indulge in the comfort that is chocolate cake. The door opens. It's Cruz. Why is he back so soon? "Hi." He kisses me and sits  as he steals the fork and eats a piece of the cake. "Tyler said there's something for me, where is it?" I point to the counter. He gets up and retrieves it and sits on the opposite sofa. He opens the envelope and pulls out a five or six paged stapled booklet. His face drops. I'm not looking at him, but I see him glance up at me as he nervously repositions himself on the sofa. He's upset about something. Maybe the reports aren't as good as he hoped so. He shoves the papers back into the envelope and flings it onto the coffee table. Oh, he's mad. I know one thing that'll make him better...

I leave whats left of the cake and walk towards him. He looks up at me as I bend to hover over him.

I smirk. "So are you gonna fuck me or are we going to stay virgins forever?" I tease. He picks me up and kisses me. Hard.

"I've been waiting three fucking weeks to hear you say that, Jo."

I'm ready to run the 5k again. But the thought doesn't leave my mind- What is in that envelope?
We undress individually. I'm using a camisole inside my top instead of a bra. I can't remember the last time I've worn a bra. I then remember my wounds- the bullet holes. Cruz has mulitple bruises and scars- but he doesn't hesitate to rip off all his clothes and stands infront of me- butt naked. I'm suddenly insecure. He notices- because I'm holding my top down. He walks closer. He kisses me and slowly pulls the camisole off. He lays his hands on my scars- they don't hurt but I flinch. He picks me up and throws me on the bed.

He starts at my lips and he passionately kisses me. It's as if I'm a virgin all over again. He tugs on my bottom lip. He is hovering over me and as his tongue invades my mouth, his hand travels to pull down my underwear.

"I made sure that you got your shot when you were unconcious," he says. Before I can pluck up the courgage to say anything, he is inside me. I longed for this, for him. For his touch. He is a drug, my drug. One shot and I'm addicted.

There he is. My man. So handsome dressed in a black tux- where is he going? He kisses me and leaves. "No. No. Don't you dare touch her," I hear him say from outside. Who is it? I head to the door. He fades...
There he is- lying on a stretcher. What is he doing on a stretcher? Oh no. They are covering his body. I'm distraught. I cannot wake him. They wanted me. It should've been me on that stretcher. They pick him up and put him in a white van. A man comes from behind and holds me, and I kiss him. Cruz fades away...

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