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My head is throbbing. What is all this beeping? Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes? "Joanna Guelas, yes her..." That's me. I think they're pointing at me...Darkness...peace.
"We have decided to stop all medication to see if he can regain conciousness that way, maybe the medicine and drugs are supressing him." Hospital... I remember... Cruz... Darkness...peace.
"It could be the same person that attacked him the last time. Thankfully there was no injuries caused to that infriction. Otherwise we would've lost him on the spot." He was attacked? I should've known. That scar was terrible- starting at the top of his spine and ending right at the bottom. He won't let me touch it... Darkness... Peace.
"She's been shot and he's been in an accident. All connected. Arson." ARSON? "At least he's regained conciousness now, but he doesn't know she's been shot." Oh he's okay. Thank GOD.
I open my eyes to bright sunlight. There's someone on my bed. I'm uncomfortable so I move.

"Baby? Baby its me

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"Baby? Baby its me." I am now fully awake. I have pains in my stomach.
"I'll go get Doctor Beighley.'' Who's that?
"Thank God you're okay. You've been shot, you know that?" Cruz sighs. She walks back in.
"Doc will be in here soon, Can I get you anything C?" She asks. C? He shakes his head and she smiles. "What about you Jo?" She asks politely. She looks so familiar. Tall. Looks kinda like him.
"No, thank you," I croak.
"That's Steph. She's a dcotor here. Surgeon actually. Cardiothoracic.  She's off duty but she made sure to attend to you during every free moment she had," Cruz says. It's been years since I've seen Stephanie. The last time I saw her, she had braces, an angle bob and acne. Now, she's beautiful. I begin to weep. I thought I had lost him. He comes closer and kisses me on the forehead. "You can't get rid of me that easily," He smiles.
Doctor Beighley walks in with a smile. "Well, I'm sure glad to see you awake Ms. Guelas. It's been a long 2 weeks for the both of you." Two weeks? Jesus. She examines me and assures me that I'll be home in no time, but I need to take it easy. Cruz asks to speak to her privately. They both exit the room and I close my eyes.
Cruz walks back in. "I asked her about sex. You know... If you're fit for it. My eyes widen.
"What did she say?"
Cruz is silent. He moves closer to my ear and whispers. "You're good to go." Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. It's Rosaline. I've never seen her in casual clothes before- she's dressed in a tight-fitted top, highlighting her curvaceous upper body, fitted jeans highlighting her thighs and ass.

Her hair is tied in a tight pony and she has light makeup on

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Her hair is tied in a tight pony and she has light makeup on. She doesn't look at Cruz. And the moment she enters, he stands up and leaves, without making eye contact with any one of us. Strange. She walks in with a big bouquet of flowers and leaves it on the side table. "Ma'am, it's so good to see you recovered," and she offers a warm smile. I ask her about work. She said Cruz gave her permission to attend all meetings and conferences on my behalf to take notes. She's the only one who knows my work schedule just as well as I do anyways. The bell goes for visiting hours. It's over. She smiles and leaves.
Cruz walks back in minutes after she leaves. His behaviour is odd.
"Aren't you going home?" I ask, as I see everyone pass by my room, heading home.
"I haven't been home since the day I recovered. I've been sleeping here," and he points to the recliner at the side of my bed. He stayed with me? I want to kiss him. I want to fuck him- here. He holds my hand.


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Now. Why did Rosaline and Cruz behave so strangely? What happened?

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