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"I've been in love with you since you were twelve

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"I've been in love with you since you were twelve. You were the first ever girl I said "I love you" to, but I didn't mean it then. But I sure as hell mean it now. Jo, you are my everything. You make my soul smile. You are independent, strong and you sacrifice everything for the people that you love. I couldn't ask for a better woman to take my last name and share my life with. I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you. You are my world. Be mine, Marry me."

I am speechless, lost for words. No wonder he acted like such a tard today, and I was so mean to him. This was his plan all along- from going one day early, to making up that stupid excuse that the 22nd floor was under construction- OH MY GOD, the boys knew too. All the times that I spoke to them about him, they knew his plan all along.

"So, is that a yes?"
"Yes. A thousand times yes, in every language, YES!"

I am swept up into his embrace.
In the midst of all this, thoughts build up in the back of my mind- Am I rushing this? Maybe I should tell him I need time to think about this, It's all been so fast. We have been moving so fast. I should-

"Mine. All mine. Josanna Forman."
The words send chills down my spine.
We head back into the elevator, hand in hand. When the door opens on the 21st floor, Tyler and Graham pop two bottles of champagne in our faces. Cruz shoves them out of the way and now I'm the only target- and by the end of it I am drenched. They hug me, "You better treat our girl right, Forman," Tyler says, as he gives Cruz a stern look and a firm handshake before he pounces on top of him.

Cruz and I are in each others' embrace. It's about 2am the next day. He looks so peaceful. This man is going to be my husband- the father of my children. I'm thirsty. I slowly remove myself from his arms and I head towards the kitchen to see Tyler sitting on the terrace. I pour myself some of the cold coffee and head out to see why he's awake.

"Hey you. Why are you awake?"
"I was thirsty. What are you doing awake?"
"Just enjoying the view."
"Tyler you have the entire day to do that. What's so breath-taking about 2am?"
"I think better.'
"Hmm." I take a sip of my coffee.
"Jo, how do you know that Cruz is the one for you? Like your soulmate?''
I sigh quietly. "I don't know. It all happened so fast. There wasn't even time for me to breathe. I love him, with everything inside me, but I didn't know that he was the one I'd be spending the rest of my life with until he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. A few months ago, Cruz wasn't even something I remembered. He was a vague memory of the past, and a mere high school infatuation. And then all of a sudden he's interviewing me and I fall into his lap and then I'm no longer a virgin. And now he asked me to marry him. So honestly, I just don't know."
"Wow. That's alot."
"You're telling me, but what makes you ask about this? What's going on?"
"That day we all went sight-seeing, I met this girl. Her name is Leah Cambridge. She is beautiful, Jo. She and I went out on a date while Graham went to watch a movie, and we totally hit it off. Even that day after the zoo, I left Graham at home and her and I went to the beach. I know I just met her but-"
I get up and hug him. "If this girl is your soulmate, then you get up and grab her with both hands. I'm happy for you,  but I need to meet this Cambridge."
He kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you Jo. I was thinking of bringing her to the reunion later."
"Yeah- WAIT LATER? What day is it today?"

AN: short chapter, sorry.
you will forgive me when y'all keep reading...

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