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from: Cruz Forman
Goodmorning sunshine.
I know its 3am there but its 8am here.
I reassure you, I did dream of you, and I woke up with a bone in
the part of my body where there SHOULD NOT be a bone.
Oh, what you do to me.
Meet you at the airport.

The flight was too long for comfort. I just want to see my baby. Tyler glances over at me andhas a weird smirk on his face. Graham turns back and gives me almost the same smirk. "What? What is it?" I ask, because they're both looking at me like pedophiles.

They both shake their heads and acknowledge each other with a "I know what you know" look. What are these two plotting?

We get off the plane and everything is so bright- even with my ray-bans on. I stumble down the stairs and the moment I step foot on the tarmac I am swept off my feet. I screech in shock and excitment. My sweet Cruz, Oh how I have longed for your touch.  He puts me down and kisses me as if we've been apart for months. He looks so handsome- dressed in a casual white t-shirt and jeans and a pair of adidas runners with his own pair of ray-bans. 

Along with his well-dressed attire, comes his ever gorgeous smile, where his dimples dig deep into his cheeks

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Along with his well-dressed attire, comes his ever gorgeous smile, where his dimples dig deep into his cheeks. I too, am wearing a plain white tee with fitted jeans, with a pair of chuck taylors.

 I too, am wearing a plain white tee with fitted jeans, with a pair of chuck taylors

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He hugs me tightly. "Oh how I've missed you, my baby," he says, as he opens the SUV door for me.
We're at the hotel. Sydney is a beautiful place, and so is this hotel. Cruz takes me into the elevator and as he presses the button for the 21st floor, I smirk at him. He moves away from the console and as he turns to stand next to me, he acknowledges my facial expression. "What? Is there something on my face?" He asks sarcastically. I shake my head.

The elevator is made of glass so that we can see out of it and people can see in it. "You are tempting me Jo. You know I don't hold back when it comes to you, so if you're saying what I think you're saying-"

I stop him. "I didn't say anything. You are getting way too out of hand. And I thought we booked the 22nd floor, why'd you press 21?"

He looks at the console and then back at me. "The 22nd floor was under renovation. They gave us the 21st floor with free access to hotel privileges." I tilt my head at him.

The hotel room is beautiful- and big. Tyler and Graham direct the room service on where to put our bags and Cruz shuffles around in his wallet for their tips. As they do what they must, I wander onto the balcony- and I am stunned. I can see everything from just where I am standing- Even the Sydney Opera House. Cruz wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the cheek. "Beautiful." He says. I nod as he smiles. "I was talking about you." We wander around the suite. Tyler and Graham's rooms are on the other end of the suite, and we're in the corner. Our room is huge. Cruz tells me I should probably get some sleep otherwise I'd be jet-lagged the entire trip. I change out of my jeans and shoes and slip on a pj shorts as Cruz starts to unpack my suitcases.

"Pick the baby up Cruz! Are you just going to ignore him?"
"Why do I always have to be the fucking baby sitter. This is your baby too Josanna. You're too invested in work."
"And that's what it always comes back to- my failure at motherhood and my investment in work."
"We should have never had this baby, I told you we should have terminated or given it up for adoption, you're not ready to be a mom."
"We should have never gotten together in the first place!"
"Cruz I didn't mean-"
"No Josanna, it's okay. You said what needed to be said for all these years right?"
"No Josanna, it's okay. I'm taking him and leaving. We'll be okay without you."

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