Chapter 35

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Here you go lovelies...


Porshiya watched Katy and Aera rolling on the couch, laughing their asses off for the past thirty minutes. She was grumpy but she couldn't help the twitch of her lips at the hilarity of the situation. While it wasn't ideal in any way and she'd have preferred this to go down differently, this wasn't something they had foreseen.

Who would have expected Jin and Jungkook to be cousins? Jin always spoke fondly of his cousin but never really told her much about him.

Well, she wasn't Jungkook's sister by blood and hence Jin wasn't her cousin, but they didn't know that. As much as this situation was hilarious as fuck, Jin's tear-filled gaze popped in her mind and sobered her up.


She could only imagine how worse he was feeling and what he would be thinking. It didn't affect her much because she knew the truth. But it wouldn't be the same for Jin.

Oh, God. What do I do now?

How could she even rectify this situation without revealing the truth? If she told him she wasn't his cousin, he'd want to know who the real Jeong-seon was. She watched her friends with a heavy feeling in her chest. As much as it hurt to see Jin like that, she couldn't just reveal it to him.

She didn't know how long it'd take them to solve this issue and how irreparable their relationship would be by the time she could reunite with Jin. With a deep sigh, she reclined on the love seat, where she was snuggled next to Jimin.

Jimin stroke her hair gently. "I'm sorry, Panda boo. We are gonna solve this."

"I know." She sighed. They always do.

Katy and Aera stopped laughing, staring at the ceiling aimlessly, their chests heaving.

"Wait!" Katy sat up with wide eyes as if she realized something. "I have a cousin?" She sat like a statue for a solid minute without even blinking.

Porshiya rolled her eyes. "Duh, genius! If he's Jungkook's cousin, he's your cousin too."

"Oh, my God! We have a cousin!" It was Aera's turn to screech.

Jimin shook his head while Taehyung silently watched the drama unfold while sketching his next design on his iPad. His stylus flew on the screen with practiced ease, creating new designs that would one day break the market.

Katy's smile was so bright that it was almost blinding. "Oh, my God! This is amazing! Baby, think, if you marry Jin and Jungkook marries Jimin, we all will be a proper family!"

"Oh, my gosh! That sounds wonderful!" Aera piped in.

Porshiya quirked a brow. "For that, a wedding has to happen." She stood, shaking her head. "I'm tired and sad. Gonna get piss drunk and sleep it off."


She smiled sadly at Katy. "It's okay, baby bird. It's just temporary. I'll be fine."

She would be fine. Nothing was important to her than her friends.


Jungkook felt extremely guilty as he saw Jin drinking himself to sleep that morning. He wanted to tell him, he really did but after seeing Hoseok's pissed-off expression he didn't know what to do anymore.

His father had called him and Hoseok several times and they had refused to answer. At present, Jin woke from his nap was just staring blankly at the far end of the wall. Their efforts to talk to him were all in vain.

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