Chapter 23

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When Jimin returned to the studio after two hours, he relaxed a little seeing Jungkook leading the shoot. The work was going smooth and the staff looked more relieved than anything.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't tensed when Taehyung didn't reply to any of his messages later. He caught Robert's gaze and the photographer jerked his head toward the breakroom with an assuring smile.

Jimin hurried to the breakroom and a relieved breath escaped his mouth when he saw Katy snuggled in Tae's lap. Fucking finally.

She was asleep and Tae lifted his head, greeting with a small smile. He wordlessly handed Katy's phone to him and gestured him to read. Jimin headed to her messages and scrolled through the recent texts. Damn.

His gaze locked with Tae's briefly and he nodded. Jimin pulled his phone out and fired a text to Posh, with the screenshot.

Jimin [9:45:06 PM]:

Why would you do this, Posh?

[Screenshot attached]

He pocketed the phone. "I'll be outside," he said softly.

Tae nodded, still running a hand over Katy's back in a soothing gesture.

Jimin joined Robert, monitoring the shots. Jungkook was definitely on a different level. He could see Katy's concept but Jungkook added his own flair to it and made it something alluring.

"Your new boy is good," Robert whispered after a while. "I think I can head back after the show now he's here. We have a few new projects and I can give a hand to Johnny."

Jimin nodded thoughtfully. "You need to talk to Jeoni. We don't know if Jungkook will stick around for the drama shoot."

"Oh, he isn't going anywhere," Robert snickered. "That boy has fire and is full of passion. He's in this for a long run I tell you."

"I hope so." Jimin crossed his hands across his chest. "So what happened when I was gone?"

"Jungkook spoke to Katy and the rest is history. One moment she was all grumpy and the next she was going to the breakroom with that pouty look. I swear this boy has something over her. She goes all soft for him."

Jimin glanced over Robert for a moment. The photographer was one of the first to sign up with Vinora and had been with them for over three years. He was close enough to consider a friend. "That boy is her little brother."

Robert's eyes widened. "Wow. That explains a lot. I didn't know she had a brother."

"No one does," Jimin said. "He's her half-brother. And keep this between us."

"Of course." Robert made a zipping gesture with his fingers over his mouth. "They get along well."

Jimin nodded. He couldn't deny the bond between them. Though Jungkook didn't know who she was, there was something in his gaze every time he looked at her. Jimin saw pure admiration and something more. Was it affection? He couldn't tell for sure.

His phone pinged with texts.

Posh [10:40:35 PM]:


I meant gag reels

not reflex

stupid fucking autocorrect

I swear Minnie

I wouldn't do that to her

Jimin [10:41:02 PM]:

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