Chapter 40

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Yohoo update!Don't worry, I didn't forget this. I was just stuck. Also, like I said before I'm writing this slowly and this is my comfort fic. I'll finish it but it'll be slow that's all.


Jimin's phone blared, alerting him in the middle of a client meeting. He checked his phone and the alarms went off in his mind. It was from the head of their security team.


"Jimin-ssi, there is a bit of a situation. Her Highness Katy is missing."

He jumped to his feet, grip tightening around the phone. "What?!" He growled into the phone. "What do you mean she's missing? Wasn't she at home?"

"No, sir. She left home earlier with consort Kim to go to the supermarket. Consort Kim left a while ago and we are unable to find Her Highness anywhere."

Jungkook appeared in front of him, appearing concerned. He dismissed the others from the meeting and rummaged through his table.

"What the fuck! Check the cameras."


He began to pace the office. Taehyung was supposed to keep them company today. Why would he let them leave? Did something come up? He rubbed his temples, already feeling his pressure hiking up.

"We first believed she got lost as usual but...We were in the store's security room, but the cameras went down suddenly. Our men are looking for her manually and her phone isn't reachable."

A chill went down his spine. "Fuck! Send me the location."

He grabbed his Bluetooth, putting it on as he gestured to Jungkook to follow. Jungkook watched with a puzzled look and blanched when Jimin grabbed a gun from his safe.

"Call Jeoni. Now! Keep trying."

"Okay." He nodded immediately, pulling out his phone to call her.

Together, they hurried down in the private elevator and rushed to Jimin's car. Jimin hopped in, pulling the car into the driveway. The moment Jungkook strapped his seat belt he took off.

"Her line is busy."

"Keep trying." Jìmin slammed his fist on the wheel as he called Porshiya to break the news.

The ride toward the supermarket was tense and he had broken at least ten traffic rules on the way. Suddenly his phone rang, Katy's name flashing on the screen. Jimin almost cried in relief. He immediately answered the call, parking his car on the side of the road so he could talk.

"Minnie! I'm lost..." she whined and he slumped in his seat with relief. "Joonie left me and now I don't know where I am."

"Turn your camera on," his voice almost cracked. "Turn it on, sweetheart."

"Oh, okay. The network is shit here," she grumbled.

It indeed was crappy because it took a while before it connected and finally he was able to see her, sporting a huge pout.

"There are no signs and these are all so confusing." She switched the camera angle to show him her surroundings. "I tried the exit doors and that shit is jammed. I tried waving at the cameras for help but no sonofabitch came to collect me."

Jimin laughed as he quickly grabbed his other phone contacting the security team. "She's in a place that looks like a storeroom with a staff-only board. I see several cartons piled on the floor and a big, green trash can."

Katy switched the camera angle again. "You understood that much just by looking at this shit?" she scowled, but switched the camera angle to show more of her surroundings. "See here is a camera but it's dead I guess." She went forward. "That door said exit and I followed it inside. Now I can't open it back up. This shit needs some sort of code I guess." She fiddled with an electronic keypad. "I tried to press the wrong stuff, thinking it'd alert them but that shit didn't work either."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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