Chapter 10

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Jungkook flicked his wrist for the eighth time that morning, glancing at his Rolex, waiting for the minute to tick eight so he could excuse himself from the table without being berated by his father.

Born with a golden spoon, many considered Jungkook to be fortunate. Well, he himself considered himself fortunate because despite being born into wealth, he knew how hard the other part of the life could be. He never had to struggle for anything in his life, except all this luxury came with a sacrifice. Freedom.

Being the next in line to take over the company as a CEO at such a young age came with a lot of responsibilities. Often times, work was demanding. Jungkook was robbed off his freedom at sixteen and was pushed into the business world, trained and groomed by his relentless father. He never complained though. This was all he ever knew. He got used to this even as a child, knew what was expected of him and it was ingrained in his brain. Always follow the rules.

There were times he questioned the reason for his existence, the reason why he should put up with everything, the reason why he hasn't flipped yet. But he knew well, this was his life. This was his purpose or so was told by his father. Jungkook didn't know what his purpose was or what he wanted to do with life.

At twenty-five, he felt older than their aged butler, wanting nothing more than to retire to the comfort of his room at nights. But the peace lasted only for eight hours because in the morning, he was once again up on his feet running like a clock work, performing the duties that was expected of him.

As he stared at his plate, willing himself to take a bite and avoid the unwanted questions, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation that unsettled his nerves.

"What do you mean you don't know where she is? Do something. I've been funding her all these years. See where the money has been used." His father's voice boomed across the dining room, startling everyone.

Jungkook felt like a fly on the wall as his father and his assistant conversed as if he wasn't there. Hoseok reached under the table, gently squeezing his knee. The youngest in the room released a shaky breath as he pushed the food around the plate, trying hard to concentrate.

"I'm sorry, Jungwoo-ssi. We contacted the school, but she had transferred."

"Transferred?" Jungwoo jumped to his feet. "How the hell she can be transferred without my permission? I'm her fucking guardian."

"You're not. Attorney Park Jihyun is her guardian," his assistant reminded.

Jungkook almost snorted at that. Lee Minseok was fifty and had been working with his father even before Jungkook was born. He was the only man who could reason with his father.

"As her legal guardian, Jihyun-ssi doesn't need your permission for these matters. Jeong-seon hasn't used the funds since she turned ten. And it's not like you ever cared about her whereabouts."

"Find him," his father gritted through his teeth.

"Don't worry, Jungwoo-ssi. The Park family moved to California seventeen years ago. This is the same time as she transferred. I've sent our trusted associates to track him down. We will find her."

Jungkook had always known he had a sister. Well, his father had cheated on his mother and to this day, his mother hadn't let anyone in the Jeon household to forget that little detail. They still fought over that issue and Jungkook never understood why his mother bothered to stay if she couldn't forgive his father for what he did. Not to mention, why she would have him after all that went down. But Jungkook already knew the answer.

Jungkook also knew why his father was hell bent on finding his sister after all these years. His grandfather's will clearly stated that the Jeon grandchildren would inherit the Jeon assets when they turned twenty-five. Jungkook felt sick in the stomach that his father hid this all these years. He didn't know how the information leaked, but someone discovered his father had a child out of wedlock and that too while he was still married to Jungkook's mother. And they got hold of his grandfather's will so the world will soon know that Jungkook wasn't the only heir to the Jeon empire.

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