Chapter 21

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Jikook is blessing us all week. Sigh. Today's Holiday version.

Jikook in their own world in matching jackets for the entire video. Please...Kill me. JImin isn't going easy on us. Have some mercy, sir.


The days leading to the show was filled with tension and hectic schedules that left them bone-tired by the end of the day. Having Jungkook as the backup photographer helped a lot and reduced their workload in ways they didn't expect. He was creative, proactive, and full of ideas. The top people at Gucci were impressed by the shots he had taken and wanted to see more.

Jimin despite being only a model for the show had more on his plate. Though he was only a main model for Vante designs, he still had a lot of responsibilities dished out for him as the founding partner for the company. As much as he'd like to complain like Katy, he enjoyed every bit of work because Vinora was their baby.

Speaking of which, his worried gaze followed the grumpy kitty that was his crib mate cum best friend for life mopped around the studio. It wasn't every day one got to see Katy getting caught in her own web. She almost got away with anything, literally anything being the baby of the family. But it was all harmless fun.

Though a part of him was worried for her, the majority of him enjoyed the once in a year chance. Porshiya indeed got her good in her own game and he couldn't wait to see how Katy would get her back.

The reason for her latest grumpiness was because Jungkook started texting her in Korean. As much as she loved to connect with her brother, now she had to run to one of them since her Korean skills were way below par. She liked to claim she was good at Korean, but Jimin knew the truth. Katy had conveniently forgotten her native language. She always thought Korean was a bit tricky. While she could hold up a decent conversation, her reading and writing skills were still shitty.

Her parents weren't happy when it came to her antics, but as he said earlier, she got away with almost anything, broke at least a million rules when it came to the Min household. She flipped the bird on the royal etiquette and formalities. One of the reasons, she skipped attending almost all formal events and a reason the general public didn't know who Min Jeong-seon was.

The others enjoyed this as much as him, which was why they made the most out of this situation, talking nonsense in response to Jungkook's texts, asking weird questions that might have had Jungkook question his very decision to even wanting to talk to her. Once again, it was harmless fun. Katy hadn't realized what was going on since no one bothered to translate the conversation to her.

Google translate wasn't really helpful and left her all the more frustrated. She kicked up a fuss and consumed at least three hot chocolates and a dozen muffins since morning, ripped through a few of their wardrobe, lectured on how the color wasn't matching the concept and how it was ruining the vibe, almost chewed three of the unsuspecting staff who were on duty before Jimin and Taehyung saved them. The worst of them all was when she complained about how her eyes hurt because nothing was good.

Taehyung, as sweet as he was, despised when someone commented on his choice of wardrobe being the perfectionist he was. And she played with his major pet peeve. He knew she was doing it on purpose, but that didn't help the cause. Jimin had to send him to the break room twice for a long break before both got into another catfight over nothing. Evacuating Porshiya an hour ago from the sets hadn't helped. As much as they loved each other, their fights could get really nasty at times. Unfortunately, Aera wasn't here to diffuse the tension. None of this would have happened if it was for her. She wouldn't have let this drag this longer.

Taehyung was being pulled into this despite have done nothing. Jimin almost keened twice, but Porshiya had banned him from doing anything because they were having way too much fun. And even Tae said he'll suck it up for the sake of the others. But things hadn't looked good in the past hour or so. Katy looked worse as the time passed and she looked more on edge than usual.

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