5: [twis-tid/ohk]

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Present Day

"Father...May I come in?" Carmine asks, knocking on the door.

"Yes. Come in," a faint voice answers from within.

Carmine gently turns the brass doorknob, letting the door swing open. She spots her father sitting in his wheelchair next to the tall French windows. He seems exhausted; his spirit, broken.

Mason Redoza vacantly stares at the magnificent back garden, a testament to his wife's green thumb and endless hard work. Sprawling magenta rhododendrons, white roses and multi-coloured zinnias dot the carefully groomed garden patch. To the left, a small trellised vegetable plot is robust with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, blackberries and other summer delicacies.

Mason turns toward his daughter. His once luxurious, golden brown hair is brittle and greying at the temples. He looks as if he is 70 years old, which doesn't seem so bad, considering his real age is 130. At 6'5", Mason Redoza looks imposing and pensive in his seat, despite his ailment. His long legs at the moment are rooted to the floor like tree trunks. But the Redoza family is worried by his fragility. They are used to seeing the head of the household look vigorous and in his early thirties. This change in him is unsettling to say the least.

The decrepit vampire massages his pulsating temples. His bloodshot pupils quiver.

Carmine lingers by the doorway, unsure if her father is willing to invite her inside the study. The dark office space is his private sanctuary and he rarely lets anyone disturb him when he's brooding inside.

Carmine announces, "Mother is finished the ritual. We are ready for you and Blake."

"Good. Good. Carmine, come over here." Mason gestures towards Carmine.

"What is it Father?" Carmine asks.

Mason points out the window. "What do you see?"

Carmine stares out into the dusky golden horizon, unsure of her Father's intentions.

Mason draws a circle on the dusty glass in front of them. "You see that oak sapling in the corner? Under the larger oak tree?"

Carmine nods.

"The sapling is you, my love. And I am the tree. One day, that tree will fall and the sapling will take its place."

"But why must the tree fall?" Carmine studies the majestic oak. Its gnarled branches stretches to the sky while twisted roots strangle the surrounding landscape. Its base is circled by a sprinkling of pale purple periwinkles and dandelions.

"Because its roots are too wild and destructive. In another few years, this tree will upset the very foundation of this house and to protect this property, we must remove it before it ruins our home. After its removal, the sapling will thrive because it will no longer have to compete with the older tree for nutrients and water,"Mason explains.

"I don't understand Father. What does this analogy have to do with us?" Carmine rests her hand on her father's shoulders. Her face softens out of concern for her father's deteriorating health. His words are enigmatic at best and at their worst, the ramblings of a paranoid madman.

He's changed since the last hunt. Ever since he his return he's been barely able to stand, let alone walk. He's also lost most of his supernatural abilities and is in dire need of fresh blood.

His skin is so flaccid and dry now he looks like a wrinkled corpse. Flakes of coarse, dead skin protrude from his desiccated lips. His normally pale white skin is on the verge of being completely translucent, revealing the dark blood vessels and twisted strands of muscle underneath.

He needs a lot of blood. Fast.

Despite being relegated to a wheelchair, Mason still pretends to be strong and refuses to tell anyone what happened in Larksdale. Carmine knows her father is an extremely mysterious and private vampire and worries that these secrets will ruin their family. But she doesn't voice her concerns with her father. Not anymore.

Not since two years ago.

She's learned to keep her mouth shut and play her daughterly role to perfection. She needs to keep her parents happy. At least until she turns eighteen and has the ability and the means to move out. For now, she's a penniless half-blood at the mercy of her strict but well-meaning parents. Hopefully she won't remain penniless for long. At least if her plan to find a job succeeds.

Mason studies Carmine's sharp, alert eyes, blood red lips and pale, supple skin.

He changes the subject. "I'm proud of you, Carmine. Your good work. You are the most talented lure the Redoza family has ever trained."

Why is Father saying these mysterious things? This oak tree metaphor? These outlandish compliments. What the hell is he getting at?

"I have much to learn, Father. Everything I know I've learned from you." Carmine kneels down onto the plush mink rug and rests her hand on her father's knee. "You will get better, Father. I know it. This fresh blood will help." Carmine feels confident in her words. She has to believe in them. For her own sake. Despite his sins and occasional ruthlessness, Father is everything to this family. His awesome vampiric strength and willpower keeps them safe. Without him, they would be defenceless castaways from the Redoza clan.


Mason runs his long knobbly fingers through his daughter's luxurious black hair. "Thank you, Carmine. Your efforts will not be in vain. Never forget my love, that family is everything. Your dedication to the ritual will never be overlooked or forgotten. Now go. Tell your mother to prepare the glasses. I will call Blake."

Carmine stands up slowly and nods. She swiftly glides towards the door and down the hallway, her feet barely skimming the floor. One of the perks of being a half blood vampire.

She can practically taste the blood on her tongue already.

**How is your first impression of Mason Redoza? :)
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