28: [glam-er] Part One

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Once Carmine and Blake arrive home, it's nearly 1am.

Mason and Red are sitting on the porch. Mason's large pale hands are wrapped around Red's petite, frail ones. He leans in and gives his wife a peck on the cheek. They are murmuring to one another when their children turn up the driveway.

Red stands up, clutching her hands around her throat. "Oh Carmine! Are you alright? I just heard- and Blake-then-" Red splutters, barely coherent.

Carmine hasn't seen her mother this worried in a long time. Red seems frazzled and her eyes are incredibly red, most likely from crying.

Carmine walks up to her parents and gives them each a small hug.

Carmine gives her mother a second hug, patting Red's back gently. "I'm okay mother. Really. I'm okay."

Red's whole body shakes as she lets out a relieved sigh. "You KNOW how dangerous a fire is!" she yells into Carmine's black hair, "Especially for you... One little burn and SIZZZT! You would have- Oooh! That job. It's bringing you nothing but trouble. You should-"

"How do you know mother?" Carmine interrupts, out of both skepticism and curiosity. She pulls away from her mother. "I'm not doubting your word but...all these things about half-bloods...how did you learn about them?"

"It's complicated Carmine," Red replies, evading the question. "You just need to trust me." Red turns toward the door, inching her way inside.

"No offence mother but you're a human vampire, not a half-blood like Blake and I. How do you know what Blake and I can or cannot do? Did someone teach you? Is there a "Guide to Being a Half-Blood Vampire" or something that you're hiding from us?! Because I am just so sick of not knowing ANYTHING."

Red rubs her wrists nervously, still surprised by Carmine's sudden interrogation. "Come inside, you two. Now."

Mason pushes both of us children inside and slams the door behind him with one flick of his fingers.

The family settles in the living room. Mason sinks into his armchair while Blake and Carmine squish together on the sofa. 

Red dives into the kitchen and turns on the electric kettle to make some water for tea. She starts taking out some dishes and reheating the casserole she made earlier. Anything to distract her from answering her children's burning questions.

Carmine seizes the chance to speak to her father. "Father- May I ask you to resume our lessons together? Also, you promised you would tell us all you knew about the vampire hunter after your hunting trip but you never did."

Mason runs his knobbly fingers through his golden brown hair. "It's a long story," he sighs.

Blake clears his throat. "I think if there's a hunter in town we deserve to know everything you know." He stares at his father unblinkingly, his lips set in a tight line.

Mason lowers his voice down to an inaudible whisper. Well, inaudible to human (a.k.a. Red's) ears. "I didn't want to worry your mother but we've heard about this new huntress a while back. She has been taking down victims in Halsberry, Yenterville and now Larksdale solo. It would appear that Richmont proper is her next target. We don't know too much about her other than the fact that she's a fairly tall, middle aged woman. She is incredibly strong for a human but she defeats her victims through cunning and a dash of black magic. Obviously she has the advantage of being able to walk in daylight. It's rumoured she wears polished silver chainmail when she attacks and has the ability to launch wooden stakes and fireballs through the air at superhuman speeds. Her powers are also getting stronger, as evidenced by the climbing vampire death tallies attributed to her. No doubt she is seeking the help of either a coven of witches or seers. That's all I know for now."

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