33: [Shey/Si-bas-chuh-n]

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@Thoeyy for going back and voting on every single chapter of this book! You're amazing!! Thank you!
"Come in and make yourself comfy," Sebastian says, dropping his car keys in a small ceramic dish on the kitchen counter.

The car ride back to Sebastian's house had been almost completely silent. Neither of them had any energy left to discuss what they had seen.

Carmine crosses the threshold and scans Sebastian's apartment. It's simple, modern and decently sized for a bachelor's pad. She pulls off her shoes and makes her way to the living room. Sinking into the plush leather sofa, Carmine reaches for a mint from the small candy jar on the coffee table. Unwrapping the crinkly plastic wrapper, Carmine pops the striped candy into her mouth, pushing it around in her mouth until sweet juices melt along her tongue. It's not as sweet as blood but tasty enough to encourage saliva to flow once more into her dry mouth.

Sebastian is in the kitchen plugging in an electric kettle. "Do you want tea or hot chocolate?"

"I'll take some tea please," Carmine says, flipping on the T.V. The screen comes to life and starts flashing news footage of the fire. A reporter is interviewing several local residents, many of whom are crying. An angry older man launches a tirade about the how useless the police are and how everyone in Richmont is going to hell. With a sigh, Carmine turns the T.V. off again.

A few minutes later, Sebastian sits down beside Carmine with a mug of steaming hot tea. "It's Chamomile. It'll help you sleep."

"Thanks Sebastian." Carmine wraps both hands around the hot mug, feeling its warmth seep down into her sore muscles. After a few sips, she sets the mug down and says, "Thank you Sebastian. For taking me in without any questions. This really means a lot to me."

"You're welcome Carmine," Sebastian smiles. "I meant what I said earlier. In the car. I care about you. I really do. I'll help you any way I can."

Sebastian is sitting so close that Carmine can feel his knee bumping against hers. He has slight bags under his eyes and his eyes are bloodshot. Carmine has never seen him look so frazzled and exhausted before. The look doesn't suit him at all.

The two do not speak for a few moments.

"May I use your shower?" Carmine asks, slowly standing up. She lets out a cat-like yawn and stretches out her arms. "I'm feel really gross."

"Of course!" Sebastian stands up as well and leads the way. "It's just right here...Guest towels are here and I can throw your clothes in the laundry while you shower."

"Uh- Thanks Sebastian. That would be great." Sebastian is about to turn around when Carmine whispers gently, "You're too kind."

After shutting the bathroom door, Carmine peels off her dirty t-shirt and jeans. The cold bathroom tiles make the soles of her feet tingle. Wrapping a towel around her body, Carmine opens the door just a few inches. "Here," she says, handing him her grass-stained clothing.

Sebastian takes the bundle and throws it in the washing machine located right beside the washroom. He tosses a few of his t-shirts in as well and starts the spin cycle. The mechanical droning and shaking of the washing machine rumbles through the apartment.

Carmine pops back into the bathroom and steps into the white bathtub. She adjusts the faucet to 'hot' and pulls it to start the shower. A blast of icy cold water assaults her like a tidal wave, forcing Carmine to let an ear-piercing screech. "SHHHIT!!" With torrential streams quickly soaking through her hair, Carmine fumbles around and turns off the shower.

"Crap!" Sebastian calls from the living room. "Sorry!"

Carmine hears his footsteps approach until he stops right outside the bathroom door. "Sorry Carm. I forgot to tell you that you need to let it run for about 20 seconds first. It always starts out ice cold."

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