12: [gah-la] Part One

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Of course he has a favor to ask me. Don't all men eventually want something from me? There's no such thing as a free lunch. Carmine tries her best not to meet Sebastian's gaze with a grimace. "Hmm? What is it?" she asks.

"There's this thing at work...It's a staff appreciation gala. Happens once a year and it's kind of a big deal. Amazing networking opportunities and such. Well, since I broke up with Camilla I haven't had any time to date so I-I was wondering if-"

"You want me to be your date?!" Carmine exclaims. Maybe this little bit of fun is getting out of hand? Just yesterday morning, Billy asked her to the prom and look how that turned out. Carmine's eyebrows knit together. You're walking on thin ice, Carmine. You don't know this man at all. Don't get involved in things you have no business being involved in.

"Well...yes." Sebastian's eyes fill with anticipation. He repeats with conviction, "Yes I am."

Carmine's mind reels. He is at least five or six years older than me and he's asking me to an important work function after just meeting me for a couple hours. What if he's a pervert? Doesn't he know he's asking a minor out on a date? "I-I'm not sure," Carmine stutters.

Sebastian notices Carmine's discomfort and immediately assures her, "I'm sorry Carmine. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Just pretend I didn't say anything." Sebastian takes out a twenty dollar bill and slips it into the billfold. "It's just...I thought, since you got stood up by your prom date, this would more than make up for it. A win-win, you know? The gala is in the same ballroom as where your school prom was held...So it would be like going to the prom...with me."

That's actually kind of thoughtful. Carmine smiles weakly, chastising herself for overthinking Sebastian's intentions. "I don't know Sebastian, we just met and-and-well, you know I'm only seventeen right?"

Sebastian's face twists with guilt. "Oh my God Carmine, I am so sorry! You must think I'm some sleazy dirt bag for asking out a minor! I just-I am so sorry. Holy crap. I just assumed you were in your twenties since you look and act so mature! I mean, I personally graduated myself at nineteen because I was held back a year due to delinquencies in my youth and-"

"Sebastian. Sebasti- Hey. It's okay. Calm down. I'm not blaming you." Carmine's lips curl back into a tiny smile. He is so cute when he's flustered. "I mean, I'm turning eighteen in a couple weeks anyway." 

One of the most obvious traits she inherited from her father was accelerated growth to adulthood, after which, aging happens extremely slowly. By the time Carmine turned fifteen, she already looked like a full grown adult woman. Which had its ups but a lot of downs as well. Namely, getting hit on by older men.

Sebastian stands up and walks Carmine to the front of the diner. A tiny bell attached to the top of the glass door rings as he pulls it open and gestures Carmine to exit first.

Outside, under the midday hot sun, Carmine squints up at her bumbling acquaintance. He is about 6'2" and lightly built with just the right amount of definition in all the right places. Carmine feels a mixture of empathy and curiosity towards him. The teenager inside of her wants to know more about this clumsy but adorable man but the cautious vampire within begs her to stay away, to protect herself.

C'mon Carmine, live a little. And think fast, before you get a nasty sunburn.

No, Carmine, remember what mother taught you. He can't be trusted. If humans ever learned about your true nature, they would lock you up. Torture you. Study you like some mutant, some freak of nature. And then they will kill you out of fear and the need for self-preservation.

"Carmine? Carmine? What are you thinking about? You seem worried."

"Sorry. Just zoned out for a bit. What were you saying?"

Sebastian takes both of Carmine's hands and puts them between his. "I had a lot of fun with you today. And...Well the truth is, I would really, really appreciate it if you would attend the gala with me. It's tomorrow night and it's so last minute that, if you don't say yes I will have to resort to hiring an events escort...and I really would much rather take you than pay someone to pretend to have a good time with me." He sucks in a deep breath and then exhales slowly.

"I can't believe you managed to say all that in one breath," Carmine laughs. "Okay, okay, I'm convinced. What should I wear?"

"I would love it if you wore that beautiful red dress you wore last night." Sebastian's eyes momentarily flicker, his eyes growing slightly hooded. He lifts a finger and pulls back a strand of hair plastered to Carmine's cheeks. "You're so beautiful...Your skin...it's practically shimmering."

Carmine blushes. Hopefully my skin isn't TOO sparkly. "Ok Sebastian. I'll go. Just for you." Carmine winks at him and then immediately feels self-conscious. Am I flirting with him?

"Thank you Carmine! You don't know how much this means to me. You will not regret this." Sebastian opens up the passenger side door for Carmine. "Let me drive you home."

"No, it's okay. I have some things to take care of first. We will exchange numbers and meet outside the hotel tomorrow night? Give me your phone, I'll write down my number."

The two swap their phones with one another. Sebastian hands back Carmine's cellphone and says, "I'll pick you up at your house at eight. I would never make you meet me at the hotel like that stupid prom date of yours. Anyways, see you tomorrow. I can't wait!" For a few seconds it seems as if he wants to grab her and give her a kiss on the cheek but he doesn't. Instead he hops into the driver seat and waves goodbye.

***Hello my lovelies. This will be the last update I make until May 5th, 2015. Hopefully I've left you enough of a cliffhanger that you will eagerly anticipate my next chapter. What do you think of Sebastian's actions? Understandable or completely obnoxious? See you all soon~ <3 Chesmok***

Song for this chapter: Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey (one of my favourite singers!)

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