11: [bruhnch]

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"My jacket!" Sebastian suddenly blurts out, startling an elderly couple passing by.

Carmine swerves around. Yes!

"I would like my jacket back." Sebastian grins, revealing a set of straight pearly whites. "If you don't mind. It's my favourite one."

He gave a stranger his favourite jacket?

"Oh, of course. Of course. It's umm, back at my house though. If you wait, I can go get it and come back?"

"Do you live close by? How about I drive you home?"

Carmine bites her bottom lip. She doesn't want him to know where she lives.

It could be dangerous if Mother or Father ever saw us together or if he came looking for me. I'll just tell him to stop by one of the neighbour's houses. "Uh-Sure. I live about a five minute drive away."

Minutes later, Sebastian pulls up in front of Carmine in his white BMW. He unlocks the passenger side door and invites Carmine inside. Carmine settles into the plush leather seat and buckles her seat belt.

"Where to?"

"2850 Totem Drive." That house with all those weird Mormons.

Sebastian types the address into his smartphone and starts following the GPS directions. Make a right on Blendale Avenue...

"So. Just graduated high school huh?" He grips the steering wheel tight, staring straight ahead. He tries his very best not to sneak a peek at her bewitching face.

"Almost. The ceremony is in a few days." Carmine also trains her attention on the road ahead, attempting to count the dashed lines on the asphalt marking lane divisions.

"What are your plans after graduation? College?"

Carmine sighs, briefly filled with resentment. Her future lies in this small town. She's not going anywhere. Ever. "No...actually. I was just planning to stay here and find a job." Because family comes first.

"Oh okay."

This is so awkward, Carmine thinks. She tries to smooth out the fine creases on her dress. What am I doing, getting a ride from a strange man? Am I getting soft...? Feelings are dangerous things to have. Especially these kinds of feelings.

Carmine notices that he has the most adorable dimple on his left cheek. Snuggled up nicely beside those smooth, soft lips...

Sebastian lets out a small chuckle."I just realized...I don't even know your name yet!" He sneaks a quick look at his sexy rescuer. "How about we start over? I'm Sebastian."

Oh yeah. THAT's what his name is. Carmine glances in Sebastian's direction and replies, "Carmine. Named after the colour of blood." She points out the side window to a vacant parking spot. "And you can just park here."

Sebastian parallel parks with ease into the indicated spot. Then he unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car. He walks around the front and over to Carmine's side, opening the door for her like a true gentleman. "You have a beautiful and interesting name, Carmine. See you in a bit."

Carmine walks down a small side alley and then makes a right and sprints until she is in her own backyard. She smells breakfast cooking downstairs. Mmm. Bacon. After fresh blood, Carmine's second favourite food in the world is pork. Greasy bacon, breaded pork chops, deep fried pig's feet, pickled pig ears, braised butt cheek....Just imagining these foods make Carmine's stomach growl. She suddenly realizes she hasn't eaten anything all morning.

Cutthroat Carmine (Book 1)(COMPLETE) (Wattpad Featured Novel)Where stories live. Discover now