12: [gah-la] Part Two

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Back again at the Millenium Commodore Hotel for the third time in three days, Carmine finds herself shivering once more, not from the cold but from giddy apprehension. It almost feels like deja vu. Except this time her date is an absolute gentleman. Maybe tonight will more than make up for the disastrous prom night she had. What is it about this hotel that keeps bringing her back again and again?

    Sebastian puts his right arm protectively across Carmine's lower back, guiding her into the hotel lobby. For the first time, Carmine has the chance to appreciate the decadent interior of this luxurious hotel. Ornate, golden mouldings embellish hand painted ceilings and wide doorways. A vibrantly patterned carpet runs down the length of the long hallway, stopping at the majestic water fountain in the centre of the lounge. Streams of water trickle from a spout at the top, overflowing from the first tier and cascading into the second one.

    The hardwood flooring lies in zig-zagging chevrons pointing towards the long, chestnut concierge desk, where an impressive, uniformed man is scribbling furiously into a thick binder.

    Sebastian approaches the man with an easy casualness. "Rory, this is my plus one."

    Rory looks up and an almost imperceptible glimmer of a smile creases his face. "Is she one of Madame Zulily's girls? Dang, my good man! You've got some good taste. Let me guess, two-hundred, two-fifty a night?" He winks at Carmine, giving her the once-over.

    "Oh God, no. No, Rory. Her name is Carmine. I met her-well actually I met her outside the hotel the other day."

    "Oh! Shit. Ahem. Hrmph. My apologies ma'am," Rory bows his head and blushes a deep scarlet. "I did not mean to be rude."

    "But you were." Carmine studies the concierge with a glint of indignation. "In the future it's best not to assume anything." Without another word, Carmine heads over to join the animated crowd gathered in front of the ballroom's grand entrance.

    "You really put Rory in his place didn't you?" Sebastian grins, his arm reclaiming Carmine's side once more.

    "I just hate conceited men who judge people without even getting to know them first. That look that he gave me when I walked in...It made me uncomfortable."

    "I'm sorry you had to go through that. He's just an old geezer. Forgive him. He's harmless. Come on, let me introduce you to some of my colleagues."

At the sight of so many socialites clad in designer fashions, Carmine can't help but feel extremely out of place and insecure. As Sebastian makes his turn around the room, introducing Carmine to this executive and that manager, she feels completely out of her element. Not only is she incapable of understanding the highly specific vernacular of the upper crust, she feels oppressed by their penetrating gazes and unmasked distain. It is as if she reeks of "outcast" and everyone in the room can smell her plebian scent.

Sebastian's eyebrows stitch together with concern."Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit thirsty, that's all. Can you get me something to drink?" Carmine sits down on one of the plush upholstered chairs near the back of the room, gripping her clutch tightly for support.

Sebastian nods and starts pushing through the throng of tipsy partygoers to get to the bar.

As soon as Sebastian disappears, a well-tailored suit looms over Carmine, blocking her view of the dance floor. "What a beautiful wallflower we have here."

Not another jerk! How many of these frisky assholes do I have to deal with tonight? "Excuse me. You're invading my personal space," Carmine says, clearing her throat.

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