29: [ik-sper-uh-muh nt] Pt 2

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***Hi dear reader! If you've come this far, it must mean you're pretty interested in this book, huh? Well, good news! I've entered Cutthroat Carmine into the 2015 Wattys! If you're a fan of my work, please vote on all the chapters and leave comments on them as well. Help me win! If you would like to see me update more of this book, leave a comment. If you would like to guess what happens next in this book, leave a comment! You get the drift.... ;P Thanks for all your support! Next update on FRIDAY!! Love, Chesmok***


"Are you coming?" Sebastian calls from up ahead. "Carm! Hurry up slowpoke!"

Nyla giggles beside him. "Stop ogling that hunk over there and get your butt moving!"

Carmine turns her attention back to her co-workers and starts a light jog to catch up. "Sorry," she apologizes. "I thought I saw one of my high school classmates over there."

Once they reach the striped ticket booth (which looks exactly like a tub of popcorn), Carmine checks the ticket prices and begrudgingly forks over $20 for an adult ride pass.

Nyla is still clinging onto Sebastian's arm and they are standing in the next booth over. Nyla looks up at Sebastian and purrs, "Pay for my ticket." Carmine can see her batting her long, black lashes. She feels like retching. 

What happened to Nyla? Why is she suddenly so...repulsive? What happened to the sweet girl who showed her the ropes during her first night shift? Was it all a lie? A facade? Carmine thinks as she puts her wallet back into her purse. 

Sebastian nods and says to the cashier, "Two adults, please."

Carmine feels like she's been punched in the gut. Does this mean Sebastian's taking Nyla on a date? He agreed to pay for her! So...the rest of them are just tag-along cronies? Extra wheels on their first date?

After the ticket collector tears the perforated edges off of their passes, Sebastian, Nyla and Carmine make their way through the metal turnstiles. The carnival is swarming with dirty children, sarcastic teenagers and exhausted parents. A few couples holding hands walk past them and two bold goths are making out on a bench to the right. 

Carmine didn't even know Richmont had this many people. But probably half of them were tourists or out of town folk. She can hear all of them. Each and every conversation nearby floods uninvited into her brain. Parents arguing over the price of onion rings. Teenagers bumming cigarettes and free beer from unsuspecting adults. Even the puking noises of the little kids who had no idea what they were signing up for when they went on the Hellevator. 

Bright flashing lights radiate from the multiple rides at seizure inducing speeds, accompanied by blaring techno-pop music and scratchy-voiced game masters convincing guillible youngsters to fork over their cash to win "big prizes". 

George, Melissa and Tom are already waiting by the carousel ride. Tom gives Sebastian a cheery wave. "Yvette couldn't make it," Tom reports, "She had a family thing."

"No worries," Sebastian replies, "I'm glad the rest of you guys came. This is Nyla...and Carmine."

"Nyla, Carmine," Sebastian says, "This is George from Accounting. Melissa is head of sanitation and waste disposal. She is also secretly dating Tom, one of our valets."

Melissa blushes. "No one is supposed to know that Seb!"

"It's nice to meet you," Carmine and Nyla reply in unison. 

They look at one another and Carmine gives Nyla a feeble smile. 

Carmine rubs her wrists, uncomfortable with the excessive screaming and shouting bombarding her ear drums. Her hearing is on fire today. What the hell? Every little whisper and whimper within a ten feet radius sounds like screeching voices inside her head. Carmine rubs her pounding temples with the pads of her fingers.

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