9: [mur-der] PART TWO

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"What the fu—?! Shhit that hurt!" Blake doubles over, kneeling in the grass. Thanks to her father, Carmine inherited superhuman strength which she now used to lift her brother by the waist and slam him down into the grass.

Carmine smirks. Then she lets out a loud, blood curdling scream. She grabs the wrist of the woman and then touches the corpse's neck, pretending to feel for a pulse. "HELP!! SOMEBODY! HELP US!" 

Then in a desperate whisper, Carmine hisses, "Blake, join in. When the cops come say you were attacked by a strong man wearing dark clothing. Just keep it vague. Say your head hurts and you don't remember much. It happened all so fast. I'll take care of the rest."

"Are you sure this will work?" 

"It has to work. We don't have any other options. If we run away, they will find our hair samples, fingerprints, saliva, everything on this body. We'll look guilty as hell." Carmine takes out her phone and dials 911. "Evergrove Park. Quick! Someone attacked us and this other girl, she's hurt really bad. There's blood everywhere. Help us! Help! Please hurry!" 

"You've always played a convincing victim," Blake smiles.

"It's not over yet."

Several minutes later, a police car, ambulance and fire truck pull into the cul-de-sac, sirens blaring. 

Two heavyset police officers lumber towards us, their handheld flashlights flailing. "Are you okay? What happened here?" 

This is going to be a piece of cake. Carmine starts bawling like a frightened child. Crying on demand has always been one of her most well rehearsed talents. She runs toward one of the officers and hugs him for dear life, making sure to squish her ample breasts against his chest.

She wipes her blood-stained hands all over his uniform while sobbing out her story. "A man came out of nowhere and attacked us. It was h-horrible! My brother was just coming home from school and I met up with him and- and we were walking in the park, and then suddenly th-this guy comes out of nowhere and bumps into my b-brother. The man was covered in blood and when Blake tried to stop him and ask if he was alright, he beat him up and ran away!"

The obese man pats Carmine's hair and hugs her tighter. "It's going to be alright. Take your time. Tell us what happened next." 

The paramedics start swarming around the dead girl like uniformed ants, checking for signs of life. They quickly determine that she is dead and cover her entire body with a white sheet. 

One of the other paramedics puts a blanket over Blake and shines a flashlight in his eyes, checking for pupil dilation. He asks Blake to lift up his shirt and assesses his body for bruises and broken bones.

"We were shocked by what happened and I was checking Blake to see if he was alright when I heard groaning a few feet away. When we got closer to the bench here, we saw her. I called the police and then we tried to help her, but she stopped breathing a few seconds later." Carmine gently pulls away from the police officer's embrace and wipes her face with her arm.

The officer whips out his pen and notebook. "Did you notice anything particular about the attacker? Height, weight, race, tattoos...anything will help." 

"It's just so dark. He was just a big blurry shadow really. He wore dark clothes. Was maybe six feet tall. Caucasian." 

"How do you feel? Were you hurt in any way?"

Carmine gives the cop a weak, heart melting smile. "I'm fine, physically. Just in shock, that's all. I- It's just...I've never seen so much blood before. I feel sick."

"Come, let's get you and your brother to the hospital."

"Actually, if you don't mind, I think we're fine. Our house is just down the street. I think we'd both like to go home to our parents and sleep in our own bed tonight. Besides, I'm certain my Father won't want to pay for an unnecessary hospital visit." Carmine walks over to Blake and puts her arms around him.

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