16: [job]

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Sebastian's voice instantly lightens up. "Yes! Great. I definitely owe you big time. Should we meet at Miranda's Diner in about an hour?"

"Okay," Carmine agrees before promptly ending the call without so much as a goodbye.

Back at Miranda's Diner once more, Carmine reminisces with a hint of sadness the flirtatious moment she shared with Sebastian the last time they were here. The way he grabbed her hand and forgot to let go of it. The way he smiled at her with his twinkling brown eyes.

This time, Carmine is all business. She is determined not to let her emotions get in the way. Carmine thumbs through the dinner menu but memories of Rob's sexual advances make her lose her appetite. Between slurps of frothy root beer, Carmine cuts to the chase. "Don't think I forgive you or that I've decided to let things go. I only agreed to meet you because you owe me a favour and I am in dire need of a full-time job. It's summer time and I need to earn some spending money. I've been to several interviews but none of the companies were...a good fit for me."

More like you weren't a good fit for the companies...But Sebastian doesn't need to know that, Carmine thinks to herself.

Sebastian smiles slowly. "So you want me to hook you up with a job at the hotel?"

"You did say you owed me." Carmine replies, keeping a straight, emotionless face.

No more flirting. Or jokes.

Or touching of any kind.

Just strictly business.

"Y-Yeah. You're right. I'll see what I can- Actually, I think I have just the thing. Nancy, the night shift waitress is going on maternity leave and we need someone to fill her spot until she comes back. It's about 24 hours a week. Minimum wage plus excellent tips. I could put in a good word for you with HR. I'm very close with the manager."

"That...sounds good," Carmine says, trying to hide her excitement.

If she can land a job at the Millenium Commodore as a waitress...well, that would be perfect. Not to mention the ludicrous tips she would get from filthy rich customers. She would end up earning more per hour than any other regular high school graduate job. Definitely enough to help her parents pay the bills and even put some away into a savings account.

"Ok. Great. I'll talk to HR tomorrow." Sebastian looks down at the menu. "So, what were you thinking of getting?"

"I didn't come here to have dinner. Just to talk. I'll be leaving now." Carmine stands up and gives Sebastian an apathetic stare. "Enjoy your dinner. Call me to let me know what time I should go in for the interview."

Without turning back, Carmine heads out the door, leaving Sebastian stunned and rooted to his seat.


The Millenium Commodore is a must-see tourist attraction in itself. A quick Google search provided Carmine a wealth of background information about this historic monument. Built in the 1920s, it cost developers a staggering $80 million to complete, the equivalent of almost $900 million in today's currency. Considering the average hotel costs $22 million to build, Millenium Commodore is well known to be one of the largest (and gaudiest) luxury hotels in the United States of America.

It's design is one of classic European panache mixed with high-end modern comforts. Boasting over 750 luxury suites, a 50,000 square foot casino, and 200,000 square feet of restaurants, theatres, meeting rooms and spas, the Millenium Commodore (or Millie, as the employees like to call her) is one of the oldest and most impressive landmarks in Richmont. Correction, it is the only impressive landmark in town. Every other mom and pop shop pales in comparison to the majesty of this grand edifice.

Upon further research, Carmine discovers some old newspapers and articles about Richmont's history. Information that she was never interested in during high school but now seemed relevant. After all, part of a waitress's job is to make small talk to the flocks of adventurous nouveau riche tourists looking for a supernatural thrill. One of the town's biggest source of tourist revenue, after food and accommodations, is ghost tours. The most popular one being Margie's Haunted Tour which is a two hour horse drawn carriage tour of all of the famous "haunted" locations in Richmont.

The municipality of Richmont was once part of the larger, sprawling metropolis of Melville but when the Great Depression hit in 1930, Melville collapsed under the economic strain and was broken up into several smaller districts. Richmont was struggling to get by; its impoverished residents barely scraping together enough money for the bare necessities. Fortunately, when it was on its last legs, a mysterious European benefactor (who chose to remain anonymous) donated a huge portion of his private wealth to rebuild the town's infrastructure. With this mystery man's contributions, Richmont was able to dig itself out of an early grave and modernize with renewed vigour the once crumbling political, transportation and education systems.

However, Fate was not kind. When the stock market crashed in 2008, homes were foreclosed, banks shut down, and many laid off workers relocated to bigger cities to find employment. For a long time, Richmont resembled a ghost town. It was only when the mayor decided to spread the rumour of frequent U.F.O, ghost and other supernatural sightings in the area that Richmont popped back on the map.

Videos capturing spooky faces and mysterious blurred creatures stalking the night went viral across worldwide social media outlets. The mayor's gamble paid off. Journalists, photographers and inquisitive backpackers began documenting "proof" of paranormal activities, further publicizing Richmont's notoriety. In a good way. When interviewed, the RDPD (Richmont District Police Department) refused to comment on the claims that the town was secretly run by a gang of 500 year old vampires.

Before long, movie producers were scouting areas for the next Hollywood hit and entrepreneurs started taking interest in the faded "For Lease" signs in long-time vacant storefronts.

How far this town has come!

Carmine flips through the wirebound volume she borrowed from the library: a compilation of ghostly haunts written by a so called Madame Perezo, Psychic Extraordinaire. Her epithet is frivolous but the information seems legitimate.

Carmine's phone buzzes and she grins when she notices Sebastian's name displayed on the Caller ID. I hope he has good news for me, she thinks, tapping the 'answer' button.

"Great news Carmine, you got the job!"

"Wha-I mean, no interview?"

"I might've exaggerated your credentials a little. And recommended you with my highest esteem," Sebastian smirks.

Carmine can practically see Sebastian's boyish grin on the other end.

"Don't worry," he continues, "No one will doubt me or even bother to check your resume. First shift starts tomorrow night at 9pm. Meet me in the hotel lobby."

Carmine smiles a little. "Thanks Sebastian."

"By the way," Sebastian adds with a chuckle, "I'm your direct superior. A.k.a. Your boss. See ya tomorrow."

***Cutthroat Carmine dropped from #140 to #507 :'( I don't know what happened! It's one of my greatest wishes to achieve #1 rank in one category on Wattpad. Votes and comments give me something to think about and work towards every single day. If you like this book, please help it get noticed by consistently voting, commenting and adding to your reading lists. Tell your friends and family about it! I really appreciate your help. :D***

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